Moony Birth Stories

Meredith de Ruiter- Fertility Issues, One Hospital Birth with Midwife, Surprise Breech with Emergency C-Section

Teagan McMeekin Season 2 Episode 4

Meredith de Ruiter, from Waterloo, Ontario,  joins me on this episode to share the pregnancy and birth story of her daughter Matilda.  Her and her husband struggled with infertility for a couple of years, due to a blocked tube and probable endometriosis, prior to becoming pregnant using IUI.  Meredith had a pretty smooth pregnancy under the care of a midwife, aside from some severe nausea for the first half, which she ultimately took medication for.  She had anticipated going overdue so was surprised when labour started naturally right around her due date and  progressed swiftly.  She was able to labour at home for the majority of her time in labour but things got a bit hectic when they discovered at 9.5 cm dilated that baby was breech.  This led to a quick trip to the hospital and immediately into surgery for a C-section.  After a two day stay in hospital, they were able to take their sweet little one home.  Meredith then talks about her struggles with breastfeeding and some postpartum anxiety.