Moony Birth Stories

Jillian Ruiter-Cochrane- One Hospital Birth, Two homebirths, Midwife Support, Missed Miscarriage

Teagan McMeekin Season 2 Episode 5

Jillian Ruiter-Cochrane from Guelph, Ontario joins me on this episode of Moony Birth Stories.  After sadly suffering a missed miscarriage with her first pregnancy at 11 weeks, she was surprised to get pregnant again soon after.  She didn't feel ready quite yet and experienced a lot of anxiety during her pregnancy after having experienced the previous loss.  Jillian ended up having a relatively smooth pregnancy, supported by midwives, and though she planned a home water birth, things ended up heading in a different direction.  She shares the details of this birth as well as the two successful pregnancies and home water births that followed, despite being told she had low ovarian reserves.  Jillian also talks about advocating for herself in many situations where the information she was being given by healthcare providers wasn't necessarily accurate or right for her.