Moony Birth Stories

Blair Blyth- One Vacuum-assisted Hospital Birth and One Home Birth under Care of Midwives; PPD and PTSD

Teagan McMeekin Season 2 Episode 7

Blair, from Calgary, Alberta, is featured on this episode of Moony Birth Stories and shares the birth stories of her daughter Willow, and son Robson. Using the Fertility Awareness Method, her and her husband Graham were able to conceive on their first try.  Blair was cared for by midwives during her pregnancy and it was, overall, pretty uneventful.  She had always dreamed of a homebirth  but goes on to explain why this first birth story didn't end up that way.  Following this birth, she struggled with her mental health and, after seeing a psychologist, was diagnosed with PPD and PTSD.  It took quite some time for her to feel like herself again but when she felt ready, her and Graham started trying for a second child.  They were lucky enough to conceive on the first try again!  This pregnancy and birth were very different from her first and she goes into the details of how she ended up getting the experience she'd always hoped for.