Moony Birth Stories

Rylee Dupuis- One Hospital Birth with OB and Epidural, One Unmedicated Hospital Water Birth with Midwife

Teagan McMeekin Season 2 Episode 12

Rylee Dupuis, from Saskatoon, SK, joins me on this episode of Moony Birth Stories to share her two pregnancy and birth stories.  Rylee and her husband were able to get pregnant quite easily by the second cycle, which was surprising to them as their doctor had told them it may be difficult to get pregnant.  Her pregnancy was pretty smooth and easy but she did feel quite anxious about birth and, looking back, realizes she was uneducated on her care and birth options.  Labour started on its own a few days before her due date.  Her labour went quickly and she ended up getting an epidural at her care providers recommendation, though it wasn’t something she really wanted.  Rylee shares her postpartum experience, going through a stage of euphoria, then onto experiencing post-partum depression while her baby simultaneously developed colic, a very difficult experience that lasted several months. 

Getting pregnant with their second child took a little bit longer and the pregnancy came with more symptoms and discomfort.  This time, Rylee felt more educated and decided to go with a midwife as her primary caregiver.  She had more of a plan this time and felt less anxious.  This labour started on its own but ended up stalling for some time.  Once things got going again, after a membrane sweep, Rylee went on to have an unmedicated water birth in hospital and shares how she managed the postpartum period this time around!