Moony Birth Stories

Aleisa Wolf- One Unmedicated Hospital Birth and One C-section while Covid Positive with no Support Person

Teagan McMeekin Season 2 Episode 15

Aleisa Wolf from Saskatoon, SK shares two pregnancy and birth stories on this podcast episode.  Aleisa and her husband were able to get pregnant with their first baby after a few months of trying.  She dealt with some nausea and severe swelling throughout pregnancy but powered through, working at her job until very late in her pregnancy.  After several weeks of false labour, her real labour started early in her 39th week and she was able to have the unmedicated birth she'd hoped for, supported by a family doctor and a doula.  Aleisa also talks about the feeding issues they had with this baby and how they managed it.  Once they decided to have a second baby, Aleisa got pregnant a little sooner than she had hoped and felt very nauseous and sick for that whole summer.  Later in pregnancy, she found out her baby was breech and after discussing it with her care provider, accepted that a c-section was their best option.  This whole pregnancy was during the Covid-19 pandemic and Leisa goes into detail about what happened when, just before delivery, her, her husband, and their daughter all tested positive for Covid-19, resulting in Aleisa having to have her c-section alone as her husband wasn't allowed to be there.