Moony Birth Stories

Jordan Haase- Homebirth turned Hospital Birth with Midwife, Epidural, Dehydration

October 09, 2021 Teagan McMeekin Season 2 Episode 17

Jordan Haase from Waterloo, Ontario shares her pregnancy and birth story on this podcast episode.  Jordan and her husband had a lengthy and difficult journey getting pregnant with their daughter, involving over a year of trying and two consecutive miscarriages.  When they did finally get pregnant with their daughter, Jordan went on to have a pretty great pregnancy aside from some pelvic pain issues, which were treated by a chiropractor.  Under the care of a midwife, Jordan decided she'd like to have a home birth, especially due to Covid-19 restrictions as she wanted to have her mother there for the birth.  Six days before her due date, Jordan's water broke and labour slowly started.  Things were unfortunately not progressing as quickly or favourably as hoped and Jordan shares how and why her homebirth ended up needing to shift to the hospital for her health and safety.