Mid Life Punk Podcast

MLPP80 - The Overjoyed

April 26, 2022 Tom & Niallism Season 7 Episode 15

Smash your Mum's crockery in celebration because we're off to Athens for a chat with the nicest guy in Greek Punk, Leo from The Overjoyed!

We talk about the Greek scene and its fractious nature, we discuss brits abroad and iraqui baccy strengths. We discover the primary uses for Grandmothers and get hyped for The Overjoyed's upcoming UK tour with Skiv!Tom makes a bold statement about the practices of a country, our intrepid reporter visits Tehran to discover some Iranian punk rock, Niall's a ray of bloody sunshine and so much more I don't know where to begin.

Your musical offerings are courtesy of Fresh, The Queers, Hot Water Music, Gut, Consumed and Cheshme3vom.