Mid Life Punk Podcast

MLPP32 - Graeme Philliskirk (Leatherface and Little Rocket Records)

Tom & Niallism Season 4 Episode 32

This week, we have Mr Graeme Philliskirk, Sunderland's son, bass player of Leatherface and Le Fromage Grande at Little Rocket Records. We talk the boat, Toy Dolls, the North East, the rise and fall and rise again of the cassette tape and much more. Also, Niall's update on his eccentric neighbour takes a very dark, very harrowing turn (joking aside, it is a bit much). Your extra tunes this week are from The Methadones, Leatherface (obvs), MEDICTATION, Moral Mazes, Airstream Futures, The Nastasis and Frankie Stubbs.

Side One/Side B with Dave and Steve
A punk and a metalhead with ADHD ambush each other with their favorite albums, hilarity

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