The Green Urbanist

#10: Justin Hunt (Blaise) - Future of Mobility and Sustainable, Equitable Transport

Ross O'Ceallaigh

Justin Hunt is a Canadian engineer and entrepreneur, and CEO of an exciting company called Blaise Transit. Blaise is an AI-based software platform that allows transit operators to run on-demand bus services using their existing vehicles. What does that mean? Well essentially, instead of running a traditional bus route on a fixed line, passengers can open a smartphone app and request to picked up. The bus will then alter its route to pick up passengers on the most convenient and efficient route. 

You may be thinking that this sounds crazy but Justin explains how using this demand-driven system makes it possible to provide bus services in areas where traditional bus routes do not get enough ridership and don't provide people with a good alternative to using private cars. It can also save money for bus operators because you have less empty buses on the roads.

The discussion also goes more broadly into the wider field of Future of Mobility, how technology is revolutionising movement and how we can leverage this to make cities more sustainable while also offering a better service for passengers and serving more members of society. Topics include autonomous vehicles, V2X Communication and Mobility as a Service.

We talk about some pretty nerdy stuff but don't worry, you don't need a degree in computer science to follow along. A lot of these topics are fairly new to me too and Justin explains them in a very clear, jargon-free way.

Learn more about Blaise:

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