Modern Goat Rider: an Odd Fellows podcast
Modern Goat Rider is an Odd Fellows podcast for members and people curious about Odd Fellows in modern times. Billy, Josh, Tara and their guests take listeners on journeys to connect Odd Fellows membership and Oddfellowship to daily life. Hear them discuss the ways Odd Fellows' principles find their way into conducting business in a Lodge room, running fund-raising events, and making stronger connections with their community. Check out
Modern Goat Rider: an Odd Fellows podcast
Ep. 56 - The Heavy Volunteer Baton
Billy Sanderson, Tara Zajac
Episode 56
Tara and Billy are joined by Chaplain Eric Bramble for a frank conversation of the burdensome situations they have seen when the professionals could be called in, but volunteers full of FLT take on the tasks. Sometimes with amazing outcomes, and sometimes when those volunteers are under the pump to perform perfectly even though they lack the experience to do so. Volunteering is not easy in every case. And since it has been a while since the last episode there are some events from the past few months to reminisce about. Do enjoy.
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Intro - Anthony Shackell