Varsity Radio Show's Podcast

Marshall Christian - Zoe Smith & Ean Chumley

Varsity Radio Show

2 Amazing Marshall Christian Athletes drop by to talk with us about life, sports & their future. Ean Chumley exhibits his amazing rapping abilities to Llama Llama, while Zoe shows off her drawing talents (you'll have to check out the facebook live broadcast for that one @varsityradioshow). And, Zoe's sister even gets in on the "Would You Rather" segment. Also, Connor Reece with FCA fills us in on their latest happenings. Also, Q isn't here for the show, so Derek fills his seat & we welcome back long-time friend of the show Daniel Doty to be our guest Social Media Producer. He's a lot of fun, bringing some flavor to the conversations. And, he even raps a little. You don't want to miss this show!!! And, if you like breakup songs, singing & dancing, you probably want to check out the Char Pool video we're releasing at noon on Thursday, February 27th on Facebook & YouTube. If you like what you hear on today's podcast, please subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts - just search Varsity Radio Show.