Varsity Radio Show's Podcast

Crossville High School Ladies Basketball - Coach Jesse Martin

January 20, 2021 Varsity Radio Show

Today, Coach Jesse Martin talks with us about what it's like coaching the Varsity girls basketball team at Crossville High School. He shares what values he hopes to impart to them, how he handles the refs & what his most embarrissing moments are. We also hear from Katherine Cranford of FCA on the latest happenings within the organization & ways you can get involved. And, a couple of amazingly smart fans win some prizes for answering trivia. You could win them next week on The Varsity Radio Show. Make sure to join us on Facebook Live at 2:30 on Tuesdays. Just search Varsity Radio Show and you can watch next week's broadcast live or see the recordings of this show and all of our past shows - 3 years of The Varsity are available to you there. See you soon. Enjoy the show!