Coming of Age Stories

Santa Claus

How did a Greek bishop from the third century become the jolly North Pole dwelling Christmas icon?  Did Coca Cola really design his modern appearance? And is it okay to lie to kids about him? In this episode I tell the history of Saint Nicholas and how collective cultural traditions came together to give us the contemporary Santa Claus. I also discuss whether telling the Santa story to children can be considered a lie, and if so, is it doing harm?
(Sorry that the audio is a little janky in places.)
Music featured is Seikilos Epitaph with the Lyre of Apollo by Lina Palera

Nicholas: The Epic Journey From Saint to Santa Claus by Jeremy Seal
Christian Encounters: Saint Nicholas by Joe L. Wheeler
National Geographic: From St. Nicholas to Santa Claus: the surprising origins of Kris Kringle
Coca Cola: The Definitive History of Santa Claus
St Nicholas Centre: Saint Nicholas and the Origin of Santa Claus
Snopes: Did Coca-Cola Invent the Modern Image of Santa Claus?
Livius: Nicholas of Myra
National Geographic: Could the Remains of Santa Claus Be in This Turkish Church?
The Conversation: This Christmas tell your children the real Santa Claus story
Knickerbocker's History of New York by Washington Irving
Smithsonian Magazine: A Civil War Cartoonist Created the Modern Image of Santa Claus as Union Propaganda
Time Magazine: Should You Be Lying To Your Kids About Santa?
Happy Family: 7 Reasons To Tell Your Kids The Truth About Santa (And Still Keep The Magic In Christmas)
The Atlantic: Santa Is Nothing but Stress for Families Who Don’t Believe in Him
Psychology Today: Should You Lie to Kids About Santa?
The Washington Post: What psychologists really think about you lying to your kids about Santa
npr: Is It OK To Lie About Santa And The Tooth Fairy?
BBC/The Conversation: What should I tell my kids about Santa?
USA Today: Why parents, not Santa, should give the expensive gifts
The Guardian: 'Santa, can I have money for the bills?'

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