Berlin’s Housing Activists Changing the Rules, a chat with Florian Schmidt

November 20, 2020 WG Film Season 1 Episode 21

Berlin - known for its hip vibe and affordable rents - has become one of the most sought after places to live amongst young urbanites and creatives. Those affordable rents, however, have also drawn institutional investors and asset management firms like Blackstone and Heimstaden, who are buying up mass amounts of affordable apartments with a view to reaping huge profits by increasing rents. But Berlin’s tenants are having nothing of it. The Filmmaker and The Advocate talk with City Councillor, Florian Schmidt, one of the characters in PUSH-The film about the vibrant and effective tenants' movement. Not only have they taken to the streets in protest, they’ve managed to make major changes – from pushing Mayor Muller to buy-back affordable housing that had been sold-off to investors, to successfully advocating for stronger renter protections such as 5 year rent freezes, and legislating the lowering of rents. Unprecedented. All advocates’ eyes should be on Berlin and ears tuned to PUSHBACK Talks!

Produced by WG Film 
Recorded & Edited by Mikey Jones
Music by Florencia Di Concilio
Social Media & Support Team - Louise Gustafsson, Maja Moberg & Melinda Bergstrand

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