The Pandemic is the Cure, If You Want It - with Raquel Rolnik, Brazil

WG Film Season 2 Episode 16

The Filmmaker & the Advocate call on an old friend in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Raquel Rolnik is a world-leading writer, academic, and head of the Design & Planning program at the University of Sao Paulo. Raquel was Leilani Farha's predecessor as UN Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing (2008-2014) and remains a strong voice in the global conversation. She recently published a new book entitled Urban Warfare: Housing Under the Empire of Finance

In this episode of PUSHBACK Talks, Raquel speaks about the special situation the pandemic has brought to Brazil and Latin America . A crisis that is also an opportunity to make things better.
Brazil has had many struggles in the last few years, as the pandemic has exacerbated existing economic crises. Neoliberal economic policy combined with denial of Covid-19 and the measures necessary to control its spread means the government has been cutting down on public spending at a time when many are in dire need. All of this has led to a new wave of informal settlements, and the creation of a national zero eviction movement in Brazil. Although this movement has a bill that is progressing through the Senate, those living in informal settlements are still subject to violence and mistreatment by police during unprecedented times. Meanwhile, financialization is just creeping into the major cities of Latin America. 

The Filmmaker Fredrik Gertten met Raquel Rolnik first in 2013 when shooting his film Bikes vs Cars.  In the film, Raquel says:  "The traffic jam is the solution. " When everybody is stuck in traffic even the most conservative car lovers need to think of alternatives." In the same way, the Pandemic can also be the Cure. If we want it.

Support PUSHBACK Talks on Patreon. This week all Patreons will get a free viewing of Bikes vs Cars.

Watch Bikes vs Cars on Vimeo here.

Produced by WG Film 
Recorded & Edited by Mikey Jones
Music by Florencia Di Concilio
Social Media & Support - Maja Moberg

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