Italy Inside Out
Travel deep into the heart of Italy to see this fascinating country through the lens of those who know it well. Listen to lively discussions, informative interviews, travel tales and other tasty tidbits from the mainland and islands of Italia. Learn about Italy's lesser known places, events and experiences with host, Andrea Aldrich, an Italian travel specialist and tour guide for Travel in Italia.
Italy Inside Out
5. Women of Sicily: Lives and Legends with Jacqueline Alio
Andrea Aldrich
Season 1
Jacqueline Alio, historian, author and guide, returns for a second episode to tell the fascinating and often tragic stories of the women who have influenced the history, myth and religion of Sicily. From the myths of Persephone and Aphrodite, the saints of Agatha and Lucy, the queens of the middle ages and the rebels and heroines of more current history, we hear their stories and learn of the impact they had on the people of Sicily.
Jacqueline's website: http://www.palermoguide.net/
Link to Amazon page for her books: Jacqueline Alio
Podcast Sponsor: Travel in Italia, leading small group tours on the mainland and islands of Italy, http://www.travelinitalia.com, info@travelinitalia.com