The Special Needs Mom Podcast

Tending to Your Soul with Carrie Holt

Kara Ryska Episode 98

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Hello and welcome back to the podcast. This week we have guest, Carrie Holt. She is mom to 4 children, one of which has taken her on the ride of 15+ years as a special needs mom. Her son has spina bifida and hydrocephalus.  

Carrie starts with the beginning of the story. They knew about her son's conditions in-utero, but this didn't make his arrival any easier.  She highlights that, at about two weeks old he had respiratory failure and ended up spending 64 days in the hospital. When he came home, he was very medically fragile and had 16 hours of in-home nursing care. In the last 15 years, he’s been through about 60 surgeries. 

All this and her 3 other children has lead her to believe that tending to your soul and your heart is of upmost importance.  

Carrie explains how she works hard to be there with her son in his hard times of pity and anger but also knows it’s her job to remind him or his self-worth and that it isn’t defined by the things he can’t or cannot do.  She shares her belief on the grieving process and that it seems to be a never ending cycle for special needs families. 

In the end, Carrie wants listeners to know it's okay to feel all the tough feelings and also have those moments in survival mode where maybe you can't tap into the hard feelings. You are worthy all around and so are your special needs children.

Connect with Carrie:
Facebook: @carriemholtwriter

Connect with Kara, host of The Special Needs Mom Podcast:

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