The Special Needs Mom Podcast

Taking Back Control of Your Emotions

September 08, 2022 Kara Ryska Episode 105

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Hello and thanks for being here. This week is a companion episode to Ep103, Let Go of Feeling Like a Victim.  In today's episode, I talk about ways we can rewrite the narrative and take responsibility for our emotions, even in this difficult circumstances we face as special needs moms.

First, we need to distinguish between facts and our interpretations. I share a few examples of facts in our life and some negative interpretations that our brains often jump to. The key in taking back control is to realize that while we can't control the situations (facts) in our lives, we can control how we relate to these things that are happening.

This is hard work to do, but if we can make a better habit of being curious and not conceding to the worst thoughts, we can help ourselves.

I call this being at cause.  Being at cause looks like:
-Having the difficult conversations
- Asking for what we want (even if we can't get it)
-Being open to different "hows" to achieve the goal
-Staying committed to the main cause in the midst of roadblocks

I hope this episode gives you a different outlook on how to be in these tough times. As always, feel free to message me if you want to dig into this topic more on a one-on-on basis. See you next episode!

Connect with Kara, host of The Special Needs Mom Podcast:

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