Embrace the Awkward Podcast

Episode 5 | Part 1: Maximizing Summer Internship Experiences

Embrace the Awkward Season 1 Episode 5

In part one of this two part episode, Kyle and DJ talk about the benefits of a summer intern, where to look for one, and give some ideas for maximizing your interns experiences. We have the awesome ability to create lifelong youth influencers. 

In part 2, Derek the intern joins DJ and Kyle in the hot seat for an interview!

Click the link to see Kyles intern exit review. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdW48XToxGikpOnPSPkJky9ZMUoNuU3r3zh2k6E7cF8Ww7qeQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1