Dialogue Frog | Short English Conversations for Learning English

099 Planning a Trip

May 14, 2022 Dialogue Frog Episode 99
099 Planning a Trip
Dialogue Frog | Short English Conversations for Learning English
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Dialogue Frog | Short English Conversations for Learning English
099 Planning a Trip
May 14, 2022 Episode 99
Dialogue Frog

Emma has caught a travel bug! Emma and Luke talk about planning a trip.

The Dialogue Frog website has transcripts and vocabulary lists for every episode! Check it out here:  https://dialoguefrog.com/english-practice-conversation-planning-a-trip-99/

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Copyright 2022 Dialogue Frog

Show Notes Transcript

Emma has caught a travel bug! Emma and Luke talk about planning a trip.

The Dialogue Frog website has transcripts and vocabulary lists for every episode! Check it out here:  https://dialoguefrog.com/english-practice-conversation-planning-a-trip-99/

Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dialoguefrog
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Copyright 2022 Dialogue Frog

Welcome to an English practice conversation about Frog. I really wanna plan a trip. It's been a very long time since I've traveled anywhere. Oh yeah? How long? Oh man. Must be like three or four years at least. That's rough. Yeah, it is. So, I've been kinda thinkin' about where it is I wanna go. Oh yeah? I really wanna travel internationally, but I feel like it'd be cheaper to travel domestic. That's true. It's not quite as adventurous though. Oh, I don't know. You can have lots of different kinds of adventures. There's different trips, right, for different people. You could go to the ocean or you could go up to the mountains. Do hiking. Or you could go to one of the big cities and go to a bunch of museums. There's actually, I kind of wanna go to there's this bookstore I wanna visit, um, in Chicago. So, I'm kind of playing around with this idea of maybe going to Chicago, going to the bookstore, seeing some of the famous sites. And there's also some famous restaurants there. Oh yeah. Yeah. Deep dish pizza. No, not actually pizza. Funny enough. There's uh, some famous chefs have some restaurants there, so there's like some specialty restaurants that I wanna visit. Aha. I think I would die if I had a Chicago style pizza. It's like two inches of solid cheese. How can you not like that? It could kill you! What a way to go though. What a way to go. This has been another practice English conversation about planning a trip with Dialogue Frog. For transcripts and vocabulary lists of this episode, please visit our website dialoguefrog.com.