Coaches & Mentors Unwrapped

Six Critical Tasks To Address When Starting Your Business By Dancho Dimkov

Michael & Roslyn Adonteng Season 2 Episode 8


Dancho Dimkov is the proud owner of BizzBee Solutionsas a serial entrepreneur he has started and failed at multiple businesses before founding BizzBee Solutions. BizzBee Solutions is a full-stack solution provider from concept to market. They combine multiple services into one robust solution, smoothening out the road to success.

Dancho is passionate about helping small businesses and visionaries defy statistics of failure, by bringing his years of experience and expertise to the table. By assisting with critical tasks such as market research, business plans, product sourcing, lead generation, and more, his clients can focus on growing their business and core proposition.

On this episode, Dancho shared with us 6 critical tasks to address when starting your business.

Practical Steps Mentioned

  1. Create Your Mastermind 
  2. Have a sound Financial Plan
  3. Learn to Delegate
  4. Execute your marketing plan from the beginning 
  5. Continuously expand your network 
  6. Outreach to grow your sales 

Resources Mentioned

Bizbee Academy -

How do you get in contact with Dancho

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 The Adonteng's