The Dan Bradbury Podcast

S3 EP43: The Top 5 Ways to Build a World Class Network Who Can Solve ANY Business Problem

Dan Bradbury Season 3 Episode 43

There are multiple ways to solve what can often seem to be an insurmountable business problem - it just takes knowing which method is the best way. Here, we go through five key methods in which you can get to grips with any issues you might face - and build a world-class network in the process.

For more information, go to now.


Dan Bradbury can be found here:

Get your FREE 8 Module Finance Masterclass


QUIZ: What's your BPM Business Score?

This quiz is going to reveal the strengths and weaknesses of your
business. All you have to do is take 5-10 minutes to answer simple "yes
or no" questions and you will be scored in 10 different areas of your
business. Once you have your score, you will be sent a 24-page report
that is customised specifically for you.


Setting goals for 2022?

My experience is most people are typically MUCH better at setting goals than figuring out how to actually achieve them.

So, here are two articles I'd strongly recommend are worth reading before you set any goals…

(NB - James Clear is a great writer, his book "Atomic Habits" is worth reading).

Article 1:

Article 2:

And if you want more info on our upcoming Strategic Planning Workshop, go to now.


Dan Bradbury can be found here:

Get your FREE 8 Module Finance Masterclass


QUIZ: What's your BPM Business Score?

This quiz is going to reveal the strengths and weaknesses of your
business. All you have to do is take 5-10 minutes to answer simple "yes
or no" questions and you will be scored in 10 different areas of your
business. Once you have your score, you will be sent a 24-page report
that is customised specifically for you.