The Dan Bradbury Podcast

EP 175: Discover Why Right Now Is The Best Time To Be An Entrepreneur

Dan Bradbury Episode 175

This week, Topher and I discuss a wide range of topics about sales.

In the episode, we cover...

In the News

  • Predictions about the recession and how long it will last
  • What to do during a recession as a small business owner
  • Why there has never been a better time to be an entrepreneur

Business Fail of the Week

  • This company posted a 44% slump in revenue and is cutting a quarter of the workforce
  • Why is this happening and how can you avoid these mistakes?
  • How could they have predicted this?
  • What does your avatar have to do with the stability of your business?

Business Hero of the Week

  • This self storage business owner has astonishing margins
  • How he started a podcast that has opened up many opportunities
  • From financially illiterate to smashing every target in his business plan

Book of the Week

  • Dan challenges you to read this book from cover to cover (Your income WILL increase)
  • The 6 principles of influence and how it applies to current times


If you allow me to spend two hours with you during one of my Sanity Sessions, I believe we can solve the biggest problem in your business right now. Go here to learn more.

Links Mentioned

Store More Self Storage

Hacking Self Storage Podcast