The Dan Bradbury Podcast

EP 8: Recession Growth Strategy 3: Bolt-On Acquisitions

Dan Bradbury Season 2 Episode 8

Everyone knows that life as a business owner during a recession can be tough. Already in 2020 from the impact of coronavirus and the lockdown, many businesses have sadly struggled.

However, in my mastermind group, not one business has had to close its doors. And in my recent mastermind meeting, I covered three recession growth strategies that every business owner can employ to not only beat the negative effects of what's happening around the world but to get ahead and thrive.

These three strategies are time-tested and true. They work for every business owner in every industry in every niche. The last two episodes covered the first two strategies: super-niching and strategic alliances.

Today I cover the third of the strategies: Bolt-On Acquisitions.


Dan Bradbury can be found here:


QUIZ: What's your BPM Business Score? 

This quiz is going to reveal the strengths and weaknesses of your business. All you have to do is take 5-10 minutes to answer simple "yes or no" questions and you will be scored in 10 different areas of your business. Once you have your score, you will be sent a 24-page report that is customised specifically for you.