The Dan Bradbury Podcast

EP 10: 3 Business Lessons From A Three-Time World Champion

Dan Bradbury Season 2 Episode 10

3 Business Lessons From A Three-Time World Champion. The skills and discipline of a world-class performance in sport are all applicable to word-class performance in business.

One of my passions is for the game of squash. When I was a teenager, I was a county champion at every age group before an injury stopped me from playing as a professional. So, when I heard the Three-Time World Champion, Nick Matthew OBE was giving the lucky chance for one fan to play him on a competitive match via a charity auction, I jumped at the chance.

As I was running around the squash court like a headless chicken for about 1 hour, before I finally collapsed to defeat, in a pool of my own sweat. However, despite getting taught an invaluable and painful lesson on the art of playing world-class squash, I also learned 3 critical lessons that I believe are applicable to getting world-class performance out of your business in 2020 and beyond.

Dan Bradbury can be found here:


QUIZ: What's your BPM Business Score? 

This quiz is going to reveal the strengths and weaknesses of your business. All you have to do is take 5-10 minutes to answer simple "yes or no" questions and you will be scored in 10 different areas of your business. Once you have your score, you will be sent a 24-page report that is customised specifically for you.