The Dan Bradbury Podcast

EP 13: Playing The Long-Game

September 23, 2020 Dan Bradbury Season 2 Episode 13

Whilst the majority of entrepreneurs are trying to take shortcuts, these people are taking a long term strategic view. They're all paying the long game. The question is, are you playing the long game in your business?

Listen and find out what is the secret to success! I will also be talking about the three simple steps to implement this now for maximum impact.

Dan Bradbury can be found here:


QUIZ: What's your BPM Business Score? 

This quiz is going to reveal the strengths and weaknesses of your business. All you have to do is take 5-10 minutes to answer simple "yes or no" questions and you will be scored in 10 different areas of your business. Once you have your score, you will be sent a 24-page report that is customised specifically for you.