Down To Earth with the Burucharas

Assumptions & The Importance Of Clear Communication

David & Callie Buruchara Season 1 Episode 27

In this episode, we delve into the realm of assumptions within relationships — accepting things regarding a person as true without proof.  Living in the unverified reality of assumptions is often a source of grief and heartache; but we don't have to live there. 

Some examples of possible assumptions may be:

  • She didn’t call me last night, so she's clearly not interested
  • He may seem rude and dismissive often times but I know he loves me
  • They didn’t compliment my new outfit so they obviously don’t like it
  • They should know better for not telling me the news before posting it on their feed

Join us as we discuss:

  • The whys behind our assumptions, and their dangers
  • Things we should never assume in relationships
  • Why we sometimes prefer assumptions to reality
  • How we misinterpret the statement that 70-90% of communication is non-verbal
  • The importance of clear communication and how to foster it

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