Down To Earth with the Burucharas

The Marriage Conversation & Pre-Engagement Counseling

Season 1 Episode 44

You've probably seen at least one of those cringeworthy "Top Marriage Proposal Rejections" videos and like us, you may, or may not, be wondering "How did they not see this coming?!". In today's episode, we talk about why we believe pre-engagement counseling is much more important than pre-marital counseling (though both are important!) coupled with the need for more open, honest, and regular conversations about marriage long before the proposal, especially if marriage is the end goal. Join us as we talk about:

  • When and how to have the marriage conversation while dating
  • Our struggles talking about marriage with each other
  • Why we chose to do pre-engagement counseling
  • 7 key topics to discuss deeply before you get engaged 

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