Finding Fertile Ground: Stories of Grit, Resilience, and Fertile Ground

Murielle Fellous: Single Mom Doing It All

Marie Gettel-Gilmartin Season 1 Episode 42

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Murielle Fellous bounced back after a depression while raising three teenagers as a single mom and living with Hepatitis B. Originally born and raised in France, she founded the "Single Moms Doing It All" coaching practice and podcast. 

Muriel grew up near Paris, raised to be “very proper.” For example, she was trained not to speak too loudly on the subway and to be very polite. When Murielle was 18, she went to college in Israel and experienced freedom for the first time in her life. She met her ex-husband there, and moved to the United States with him. 

Murielle learned to be more direct and less proper, preparing her for what she would have to face as a single mom later in life. She got divorced about 15 years ago when her youngest was 2. “I had to be the everything for my kids…the financial support, the emotional support, and it's still like that today.”

Unfortunately things became more difficult when Murielle contracted hepatitis B. When her youngest two became teens, everything went crazy in her life. She dreamt her daughter was going to end up dead in the street. She slowly spiraled into depression. Then one night she woke up in tears, feeling the power within herself that assisted her to heal.

“Suddenly I was able to admit that I don't like my life…it was like almost an abomination, to say something like that. In my head it made me a bad mother.”

She realized that the fact she didn't like her life, yet also loved her kids, didn't negate each other.

“That opened the door to freedom, because I let go of the shame and the self-judgment, and I started healing.”

She doubled down on self-care practices, which are the tools she now gives her clients. Murielle knows the pain and worry of being a single parent and doesn’t want anyone to go through what she experienced.

Self-doubt has been the most challenging thing about being a single parent. She has also struggled in not having a partner to bounce ideas off of in parenting challenges. 

The biggest blessing of being a single mom is the freedom to do whatever you want and not have to negotiate. Also, she has developed an incredible bond with her kids.

I asked Murielle what advice she has for single moms with teens. “Don't take things personally. Don't, because you're going to get hurt, and when you get hurt, your stress center is on alert and your body is preparing for fight or flight…you can't find your own inner resources. You're all emotion and you're like fire.”

Murielle suggests having a mantra, telling yourself it’s not personal, they're growing, they're pushing the limits…and love is under all that.

Muriel is proud of herself for going for her dream, even though it’s not easy being a single mom, having a day job, and starting her business on the side.

“ When my one of my daughters had to do a project in high school, and they were talking about the American Dream and success, my daughter picked me. She said, 'you're an immigrant and you were on your own and you inspired me because you still went for it.'”

She has a podcast, provides one-on-one and group coaching, and also has a free “Get Back to Peace Kit for Moms,” which includes a meditation and visualization and a tapping session, an emotional freedom technique to calm yourself down after an argument so you can come back to your senses and to your centered place.

Next week, I launch my new podcast: Companies That Care!


OK, Hello Murielle thank you so much for coming on to the Finding Fertile Ground podcast.



Thank you for having me.


I'm delighted to be here.


Yes, you are the first person that I have interviewed from France.


Oh cool, that's cool.


Yeah exactly, I know you lived in the US now where do you?


Live now.


Right now I'm in Las Vegas, NV.


Oh, what's it like?


Living in Las Vegas?


There are good things and there are things that I don't like as much.


Uh, the good thing is that there is a lot of nature around us and beautiful, beautiful landscapes.


You know, with rocks with a lot of red and really gorgeous.


The bad thing is, and I never go around the area or the casinos and all that is because that's not my Cup of tea and it's far from everything like you have to drive like three to four hours if you want to go to the beach or to the to another city.




So that's the only negative.


So how did you end up in Las Vegas?




So I from France, I grew up in France and at the age of 18 I lived to go to College in Israel and when I was in Israel, I met my ex husband who was from California, so he wanted to come back to the USI said why not and he was then transferred.


In Las Vegas, when I was still married, so that's how I ended up in Vegas.


I see, so let's go back to the beginning of your life.


Could you tell our listeners a little bit about your childhood?


What was it like growing up in France and your family background?


So my childhood and, and that's very funny because I had what I thought at the time.


A very normal childhood.


And my parents are great people, but like every one of us, they are limited by their own conditioning and what they've learned because we cannot do anything else than what we know and what we've learned.


So it was.


It was very normal, nice, uhm.


I grew up in a suburb.


In the suburb of Paris.


And, uh, yeah I I don't think there is nothing particular about my childhood.


Very family oriented.


Uh, yeah and then.


Like no in France.


In fact the the one thing that maybe is different from growing out here in America for example.


In my family we were encouraged to be very proper, very like you don't speak too loud when you're in the train or the OR the subway.


It's not proper.


You have to be very polite and and.


And there is one thing that I remember that when I lived friends.


To go study in Israel, Israeli people are way more direct and in France, for example, when somebody offers something to you, let's say you go to somebody's house.


And they asked you, do you want some olives or some appetizers?


The general rule at the time I think it has changed, was to say no twice, so the person insists twice.






And then you say OK then yes, thank you.


And I when I moved to Israel, it was.


I got shocked because I was invited to a house for a weekend and they offered something to me and I said no.


And they said OK and they switched to the next next first.




So I learned very fast to be more direct and maybe less proper, really quick.


Uhm, so that that was my childhood.


Then when I lived for Israel, I was 18, so I was still very.


Young hey, can you hey real could you repeat that again?


You sped up you know how zoom does that just say OK about leaving for Israel just repeat that line again.






OK, so that was my childhood.


And then when I was.


18 years old I I left France for Israel.


I was still very young.


Uhm, I went to college and there was like like opening a gate of adventure because I met people from all over the world.


I I grew up when I grew up.


My father was pretty strict with me.


I was the first one on top of it all.


So suddenly I was the master of my time.


I was I could do I.


I had the permission to do anything I wanted and I didn't necessarily go crazy.


But it was very refreshing.


And I realized that I was kind of shy.


Oh so So what did you?


Ah yeah.




What did you like about living in Israel?


Besides the freedom?


Did you enjoy living there?


I loved living there.


Actually I'm getting ready to potentially move back in.






Ah, yes, with my son.


Uhm, of course with Kovid in the way.


Everything got delayed right.


I loved the mentality because.


Like I was saying, and I'm a pretty direct person myself now.


Uhm, I there is a variety true in the country.


In the North, it's greener in the South.


It's more like desertic like we have here in Nevada and I just.


I just loved it there.


Love their way of living and, uh, I loved living next to the beach that was I was living in front of the beach for some time when I was just before I left Israel for the US. So that was a treat like the ultimate for me because I love.


The beach, oh, that sounds wonderful, yeah?




So can you tell our listeners about your grit and resilience story?


So I have several, but the one I really talk about today is being a single mom because I'm I, I became a single mum when my son was two like about 15 years ago and.




I could manage because I had to be the everything for my kids.


The financial support, the emotional support, everything because I divorced from someone who suffers from addiction and who was in denial about it.


So at a certain point, everything was on my back and it's still like that today.


So it became very difficult and I contracted hepatitis B, so I was not only.


Healing the disease.


I was recovering my kids.


The last two became teenagers and everything where everything went crazy.


Big one.


'cause I have very, very adventurous kids who love to explore and explore in parties and try stuff.


And you know the kind of acting out that some teenagers do.


And I found myself in so much anxiety because I was trying to protect them 24/7. And of course it's impossible that I started waking up at night in anxiety attacks, seeing like I would think.


I had images like my daughter is going to end up dead in the street because maybe she will try something at a party and and you know, like she could die on the spot.


Horrible scenarios in my head.


And slowly slowly I spiraled into depression and I didn't see it coming.






And I think that.


I didn't see it coming for two reasons because it was slow.


Like, you know, lighting a fire under a pot and you don't realize that you're boiling slowly, but also because I was I am such a positive person that I could not even admit to myself that I was depressed.


Uhm, until one night.


I I kept telling myself and even out loud sometimes.


Unfortunately I would love just to disappear and the thoughts were like it's too much.


I can't manage all that, it's too much for me.


It's too difficult.


So constantly all day long, repeating stuff like that to myself and going further and further down.


Until one night.


I woke up in tears and somehow there is a power in us that is always assisting us and life is always assisting us into healing.


What needs to be healed and somehow that night was so bad I woke up crying and I suddenly was.


Able to admit to myself something that I couldn't admit before, which was I don't like my life.


Because I had so much shame and self judgment about the fact that I didn't like my life because to me it meant you don't love your kids because you have healthy kids.


You have normal kids, you have a normal life.


And it was like almost an abomination, to say something like that.


See it made me.


In my head it made me a bad mother.


Uh huh.


Tonight when I finally looked at the reality and at at the.


Ruth, I started crying because I realized that we are walking paradoxes and on one side I didn't like my life, but on the other side I loved my kids and it one didn't negate the other and I was finally.


It opened the door to freedom because I let go of the shame and the self judgment, and I started healing because the the first step in healing is acknowledging what is and seeing what needs to change.


Otherwise you cannot change anything you cannot heal.


And from there I doubled on my self care practices which.


Literally the same tools that I gave my clients.


The brain tools like the brain training tools.


And the energetic tools and the meditation.




And asking the powerful questions that.




Brought me to more awareness and into a solution and slowly slowly I went up and back to myself.


Uh, and uh, that's why.


Now I know the pain and I don't want anyone to go through what I went through.


I'm trying to prevent that as much as I can, wow.


Yeah, I think that it's, uh, being a single parent is just a completely unappreciated.


Talents, isn't it?


Well, I don't know if it's a talent because I guess you have to develop it as you do it.


Yes, that's right.


What do you think?


What do you think is one of the hardest things about being a single parent?




For me it was the self doubt, and before I really came to.


Defined my areas of power and my areas of powerlessness.


DART was a challenge too because you try to control something that you cannot control, which is another another human being.




That was very difficult for me because I was used.


I've been taught, you know, I've I was raised the old fashioned way with parents say, and you do otherwise there are consequences.






Uh, that's not like that anymore, and I didn't want it to be like that for my kids either because I now we know better and we know to keep room for them to be individuals and respect that you have an individual in front of you while still putting limits for them to be safe.


So that was.


Hard for me and the other part was like.


The confusion what should I do?


You never know if it's the right solution, the right decision.


So I had to learn to negotiate that and to build some.


Access to my inner wisdom and some trust.


Trust in myself.


And what do you think are some blessings of being a single mom?


Well, definitely you have the freedom to do whatever you want because nobody is going to tell you no, you don't put that in the House or you don't.


You don't go to that place on vacation you.


Oh, I think you.


I lost you there first.


Are you still there?


Got it.


So I lost you there very well.


Whatever you just said got cut out yeah could you repeat that again?


So I'm going to start with the first one because I don't know where it kept.


OK, so the the first advantage of being a single mom is that you have the freedom to do whatever you want without someone else telling you what you can.


Or cannot do if you can go on vacation somewhere or not.


Or put a piece of furniture in your in your house.


I I have friends who are married and sometimes they're like.


I envy the fact that you don't have to pick up The Dirty socks of your hospital.




I imagine it's a little bit like leaving the Corp and this is how I can relate to leaving the corporate world and not having to report to a boss.


Yes, no, your spouse is not your boss, but I mean hopefully not.


Believe it.




But it's just having that freedom.


I'm sure you know.


Although being a single parent probably well, probably has some similarities to being an entrepreneur.


Really, you're on your own, which it can be challenging.


He does, yeah he does, but.


Uhm, yeah, but that's also that's such freedom.


I mean, that's that's a great a prize.


I don't know if it's a prize like that's a.


Win, let's say, huh?


Right, right and.


The other one is because.


I parent my kids well, in my case, on top of it all alone, practically with no.


Intervention or involvement.


Too much of their father.


We have a bond that is so strong.




And that's really, that's a heart to heart bond that I really I'm so grateful about it regularly.


Like when I do gratitude.


You know, pages in the morning or that's something that I will always say.


Thank you for.


Oh, that's wonderful.


Now what about your hepatitis B or you still start struggling from that?


No, so I'm also certified in Reiki and energy work, so I of course I did it on myself.


Love, I made sure when I bounced back from the depression, I'm very.




Careful about taking care of myself.


Because you can forget yourself as a moment as a single mom.


Even more.


There are so many things to do.


You can forget about taking care of your body or mine and I was able to.


I'm off Med.


Now my body, my doctor told me it's like if I had the vaccine.


So yeah, yeah.


Oh, that's great wonderful.




So let's talk a little bit about teenagers.


What advice do you have for single moms of teeth?


First of all, the main advice because based on the feedback that I get from mums and and I mean several groups and.


When I have a membership to where I interact with them, don't take things personally.


Don't because you're going to get.


Hurt, ah, that's kind of nice, huh?


Yeah, the the first thing because when you're hurt.


You're stressed.


Is on alert and you cannot even at.


So I I think I might've I.


Should I lose you again?


You said your stress and then there was a pause and that it said is on alert.


So I think I might have missed something.


Your stress center is on alert.


Stress center OK great yeah.


And, uh, your your so your body is preparing, you know the fight flight or freeze response from the body when we are under threat?


It's the same mechanism and you don't have access to your frontal cortex, which is the analyzing part of the brain.


You can't find your own inner resources.


You can think logically.


You're all emotion and you're like fire.


So you can not, once it's activated, you have to cut me down and and usually it's hard to do in the moment.


Uhm so not to take things personally and having a mantra, if you have to tell yourself every morning that's not personal, they're growing, they're pushing the limits.


Love is under all that.


I just did a an episode about that and a class about being less reactive.


To your teenager, because that was just, uh, something that came up in so many mums lately.


Uh huh.


So I I I did a class last week.




Which, yeah, we're all the same.


We get hurt.


Yes, yeah, that and that is really helpful information for any parent, not just the single parents.


Yeah, not to take things personally 'cause they're I mean, they're trying to individuate and distance themselves and become independent.


And yeah, so yeah.


And even with any relationship really, I don't know if you know the book.


That's one of my go to and come back to.


Uhm, the four agreements for from Don Miguel Ruiz.


I have yes, I have heard of that, yes?


So one of the agreement is do not take things personally and that literally changed my life.


Because once you don't take things personally, you can resolve conflicts so much better you.


You navigate life better.


Yes, I agree, yeah.


Yeah, that's great.


Really great advice, so let me go back to my questions.


I lost them here for a second.


OK, what what would you say?


What mistakes do you have made in your life and what have you learned from them?


So in my parenting I wish I had known and worked on everything that I now practice and know before when my kids were younger because.


We are the results of.


The way we grew up and this will imprint in US beliefs, patterns, models of the world.


And I realized I remember this definite moment when I was raising my voice at my kids.


I don't know how old they were, probably 10.


And I caught myself as I was doing it and I was like, Oh my God, I react like my father and I love my father.






But he learned stuff that were outdated and he you it's now outdated to do to parent that way.






From that day on, I made sure that I went back and healed what needed to be healed and changed what needed to be changed.


That's where the don't take it personally comes in place too.


Because I always tell people do not bleed your childhood wounds on your kids or on anybody else.


In fact, if you don't attend to them, they will run the show whether you know it or not, so that that's a mistake.


I wish I wish I had done.


I had corrected earlier.


And another thing is because I had limiting beliefs regarding life and maybe regarding abundance and all kind of stuff that I started working on late in my life.


I probably surely transmitted some to my kids.








One that I can see clearly into my daughter, my first one who's 24 and that she started working on 2 is.


Pushing yourself so much.


That sometimes you make yourself sick because you're on over do are like if you don't kill yourself trying it then it's not worth it.


That's something that I got from my childhood and that I I'm letting go of.


And it's in layers like anything that you you resolve, it comes in layers you you resolve what I always say.


Because I'm French, I love artichokes.




So you remove one leaf after another until you get to the the grade.


The heart of it.


So you remove I I remove that leaf over and over in different aspects of my life.


Ah nice, yeah.


So what are you most proud of?


Looking back over your life?




I'm proud of that.


I'm proud of myself for trying and going for my dream, even though it was not easy because being a single mom, having a day job and starting your dream business on the side.


Was not easy and.


So you were so you were working full time when you first started your business.


Yes yes yes.




And I'm still working and I'm still developing the business because.


I had to.


I mean, I was the only one raising my kids college and everything I I had to be there for my kids financially.


And but when my one of my daughters had to do a project, I remember I saw at a certain point in high school.


And they were talking about the American Dream and success.


And she picked me and I was like.


I almost tried.


Oh yeah.


Because I was like I'm not a super, you know multi millionaire person.


She said no, but you're an immigrant and you were on your own and you inspired me because you still went for it.


Oh, it was so touchy.


And that was.




Thing the other thing, and it's always relating to my kids somehow what comes to mind now.


My son at one point we were in the car and we were talking about an issue.


And he said, if there is one thing that is sure is that we learn to defend ourselves from you, not from, or that you taught us that.






So that's I mean, that's priceless.




Yeah, it does sound like you have a very close relationship with your kids.


That's great, wonderful.


I do I do?


Could you tell me about a time recently when you felt great joy.


Ah well.


When we went with my kids we love.


Taking Rd trips and usually in the car they exposed me to music that I don't necessarily would listen to if I was alone like rap, and you know those new trends and stuff.






Uh huh.


So those trips I I cherish because we share they make fun of me.


Of course, with my accent.


And those are great memories.


That's a lot of joy.


That's right.


That's wonderful, yeah, my husband is British so we get a little bit of that as well.










Yeah yeah and my my youngest son who's 14 has this great gift for accents so I I always enjoy hearing him put on various accents.


Oh yeah.


My son does that too and he does it so well.


It wasn't that bad.




I don't know.


Maybe as kids were exposed to accents really early.


Maybe they developed a skill I don't know maybe?




I'm not good at it.


Me neither.


Do it, I know.


Just good at the at French accent, right?






Your French accents, beautiful, that's all you need.


Do you miss France at all?


I miss certain aspects of it.


I miss the culture because I love.


I love the, you know, the history of France and all the architecture and I remember as a kid going to castles and especially medieval time.




I'm very.


Uh, I'm a fan of the medieval time.


As far as architecture and and stories, and I remember being fascinated because once I was working in a Castle and then I, I realized that many centuries before me, the King and Queen worked exactly where I worked.




And I remember I was probably.


12 I I went with my grandma, and I was like, oh wow, I was fascinated so that I miss.


And the food the family.




What is your favorite?


What is your favorite dish?


Do you have a particular favorite or?


No, it's not so much a dish.


I love cheese.


Oh yes.




Oh, you gave me wine, red wine and cheese and baguette.


I'm happy.


Ah yeah, yes.




Oh yeah, Oh my goodness.


We were at the only time I've been to France was in 2001. We spent a week in Paris.


And just had a wonderful time there.


It was in August, so all the all the French people had left true, yeah, but it was.


No, I don't.


Yeah, it was a wonderful week.


I would love to.


Yeah, it's usually.




Prove that the month where all the tourists are in Paris and the racist people are going somewhere else.




Yes, I mean there were way too many continental European tourists.


Yeah really very nice.


But we're not.




They were not very polite.


I remember there was a lot of pushiness.


So that wasn't very yeah, like we went to, we went to Paris Disney 'cause we had.


Oh that wasn't very.


My oldest son was four at the time and they were all these year.


Oh yeah.


I don't know if they were German.


I don't know where they were from, but you know from other parts of Europe.




And they were really.


They were not good at standing in line or you.


Know in France.


Well, in America we are so spoiled because there is a line people know their place.


They don't try to most of the time they don't try to go in front of you.


In France, you better be careful because people will try yes.


So yeah, so I had yeah.


Yes, yes, but I think these people were not French, they were from other parts of Europe.


But it's European I think.


But I guess it's European.


But I guess.


So I mean, I think the Brits are more used to queuing, but.


Yeah, that I, but it was.


It was a wonderful week.


I remember my husband would go.


We were in an apartment and he would go out to buy, you know fresh croissants in the morning.


Ah, I it was.


It was wonderful.


I loved it.


So one of these days I hope to go back.


So can you tell our listeners what you're doing now with your life and you have a gift to offer as.


Well, you mentioned yes.


So now because of what happened to me I helped single moms.


I also have moms who are not single because.


It's being a mummy stuff.


Uhm, I help them prevent that emotional downward spiraling that can end up in depression.




And I helped them, uh, avoid constant arguing with their teams.


Uhm, so I have I of course I coach one on one.


I have a podcast.


And I also have a membership where we meet once a month, but I also have recorded tools like.


Are you familiar with?


Tapping emotional freedom technique, I am yes.


So for the auditors who are not, it's a technique that combines modern psychology because it has aspect of cognitive, cognitive, behavioral therapy, and ancient wisdom.


Because we use the acupuncture meridians that we tap on.


To calm down that the the the stress response in the body that I was talking about earlier the it's called the amygdala, which will, when activated.


Flood your body with with, uhm, adrenaline and cortisol.


All the hormones of.




Stress and being ready to to fight.


And so this technique technique helps you calm down that response in your body so you can have access to your brain and you can deal with the situation without being true.




Because sometimes we as parents when our teenager is triggering us, we regress and we're suddenly 6 year old fighting with a also a 6 year old because they're also triggered and they also regress and it doesn't lead us to.


Good results, so when you're able to stay in your center and stay the mature parent that you really are, things go so much better because you don't react to their either provocation or their attitude, or they are whatever they're throwing at.


So that's what I'm doing now.


I'm helping moms fight.


The spiraling down like not go there to a point where it becomes, sometimes debilitating and have a more harmonious relationship with their teens because it goes so fast.


I already have my daughter is out and she went to college and came back.




It goes so fast so we might as well.




It does definitely.




And you mentioned that you wanted to offer something to readers.


Oh yes, the listeners.


Yeah those.


I'm sorry I forgot.


Don't worry, don't worry.


So on my on my website there is a kit that's called back to peace for mums.




And in that case you have a meditation to clear if people know about the chacras, the energy centers in the body.


To clear each one of your chacras so your your energy is is clear and low vibrating high.


A session of FT.


Tapping emotional freedom technique to calm yourself down after an argument so you can come back to your senses and to your centered place.


So you.




In yourself.


And the visualization for those moments when you have either a worry that you can't stop thinking about or let's say you had an argument with someone, your teen or someone else, and you said I should have said that.


And I, you know you're you're prisoner of a third loop that is a negative one and you cannot get out of it.


So that meditation will help you take some distance from it and also understand the message under what you're going through because our emotions are always.


In connected to what's going down, what's going on under the surface of our conscious mind and that way you can go and extract.


Maybe the limiting beliefs or the patterns, or something that would serve you to change and let go of.


Sounds wonderful.


I bet a lot of people could have had a benefit from.




Thank you yeah yeah I I get I especially the the visualization.


It's called emotion intervention.


I always get so such great feedback for this one.


Oh yeah.




Oh yes, I bet that's great.


How did you know how to develop these types of things?


Is your is your day job?


Related to this type of work.


Not at all.


So I I graduated College in finance and accounting, so although that serves me today in my business and that's great.




Uhm, since I was I would say in high school people started coming to me when they were in pain.


Somehow I have a soothing effect on people and I started really coaching when I was a chin.


Uhm, I remember when I was even tutoring kids in French.


All their grades were going up in other subjects and the mums were were like what?


And it's because I I have a natural talent for.


Seeing people strength that they are not able to see themselves.


Oh nice.




Oh nice and I also.


On an energy level like I started doing Reiki because I was doing energy work on my kids before I even learned until I discovered that I had this ability.


Naturally, so at a certain point I said OK, I'm coaching people all the time.


I might as well get certified and make money with.




So I started learning, and, uh, what I the certification I did had a spiritual aspects, which is one of my passions as well, like spiritual growth and tapping.


I discovered it because I always learn and train do trainings.


And I mean I want people to.


Have as many tools as possible.


Or in their Arsenal, because sometimes some days tapping will work.


Some days you won't want to even hear about it when you need it.


Right, you need a meditation or you need something more physical.


So I learned I'm passionate about self development, self empowerment.




But I also attended two of Tony Robbins Robbins programs which changed my life.


So I continuously learn either with or without certifications.


But this is something that is.


This is my.


Oh, I see.


That's really interesting.


So my final question is, is there a story of grit and resilience that has been an inspiration for you in your life?


So either someone that you knew or a story that you heard about when you were younger or more more recently.


So the one that comes to mind it's about a physical illness.


I don't know if you've heard about Doctor Joe Dispenza.


He's originally, I think he was a chiropractor and now I don't know what else, but he's teaching people to meditate in a scientific way so that you can literally come back to your true essence and create your reality from the field of.


All potentials and it's it does some.


Scientific studies on the people that he works with.


And his story is that if fail, I think biking and they told him that he would never walk again.


Of course he didn't listen and he worked with his brain and his wheel, and now he's he's doing everything he wants.


So that's the story that comes to mind.


But there are so many I mean.


So many people are.


I cultivate a habit of listening to inspirational stories or inspirational material every single day.


Because when I don't we are bombarded with messages of.


Fear and we can very easily go down into fear and live our life from fear.


So I make it a point to be in charge of my daily conditioning because no matter what, we are conditioned so I must might as well choose by conditioning instead of letting society and the world conditioning me.


Yes, that that makes total sense.


And I I agree that when I hear stories of grit and resilience, it really propels me forward.


You know, it makes me feel grateful for what I have, and I've inspired by other people who have overcome huge obstacles.


That's why I started podcasting.


Oh yeah, so I'm sure when you have people on your podcast who tell stories of overcoming challenges, it also feeds you.


It is nurturing this this.


This hope and this joyful life in you probably.


Absolutely, yeah, definitely.


Well, those are all my questions.


It's just been a wonderful time getting to know you, Muriel.




Oh, it's wonderful for me too.


I love.


Doing that, yeah, I I I wish you luck in getting to Israel.


Thank you, that will happen at some point.


But you know, whatever you can't control, like the timing of that thing that has been going on for a few more.


I mean that's OK.


Meanwhile I'm I'm I love America and I have a roof above my head and everything is fine.


Good, well, it's good that you're you're flexible about that, because who knows what?


I mean.


Who knows what the what.


The next year will will bring, right?


Yeah, if I've learned something with my my experience.


Of depression and coming back is don't try to control what you can't control.


And that's why when I teach people I I I teach Co parenting with the universe because there is a side where it's your area of power and you should develop the skills and the talents and everything to act.


Take action in that area.


The rest build the trust that the same power that keeps you alive and protects.




Does the rest for all the people you love and life is on your side because it will freeze so much energy to not invest your energy in something that you cannot control.


And it's not your job to control.


Absolutely, I agree.


Well, thank you so much for talking to me today, Muriel.


Thank you, thank you for having me, it's a pleasure.


It's great to meet you, yeah?


I I will be in touch when I I think that this will probably air in a couple of months couple couple of months out but I will let you know and that.


That's about ready to happen.


That way I can share it.


That's that's good.


Yes, definitely.


Thank you so much for your.


So much period.






Have a great day.




You too OK bye bye.