Meet My God

Pointless Details

April 22, 2024 Season 4 Episode 191
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Exodus 3:16-20 God always has a point for what he tells us to do...even if it doesn't work out.

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Music used by permission:
The Plan from 2 For The Price of 1 by Holly Harris & Latresia Peak

What's up, everyone? I'm Ruthenna Porterfield, God's favorite, and I want you to get to know him. This is the meet my God podcast.

Today we meet God in Exodus, chapter three, verses 16 through 20. God knew it wouldn't work when he told you to do it. In today's passage, we see God giving clear, detailed instructions, only to follow it up with the fact that none of it is going to make a difference. The details of God's plans often seem pointless. But maybe the real point is our obedience. Maybe the point is for us to trust him. Maybe the point is for us to remember his ways are not our ways. And his plans, though they may be for us, they are never just about us.

Thank you for listening, but don't forget to read the script scriptures for yourself. And if you would, please rate us in your favorite podcast app, it helps us so much in the rankings. Until next time, peace, stay cool, and God bless.