Meet My God

Why...It's a logical question

May 14, 2024 Season 4 Episode 207
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Show Notes Transcript

What's up, everyone? I'm Ruthenna Porterfield, God's favorite, and I want you to get to know him. This is the Meet My God podcast.

Today we meet God in Exodus, chapter six, verses ten through twelve. I think Moses asked God a logical question, one with the same air of questions I've asked God on multiple occasions that look similar to what we read in today's passage. If the first crazy thing you told me to do didn't work, God, why are you telling me to do something even crazier? Do you want me to look stupid? Are you enjoying this? Okay. All right, the last two questions I added in. But read these three verses and see if you can sympathize with Moses, too.

Thank you for listening, but don't forget to read the scriptures for yourself. And if you would, please rate us in your favorite podcast app, it helps us so much in the rankings. Until next time, peace, stay cool, and God bless.