Brave New Women hosted by Cecilia Poullain

Kate Forsyth on being a professional writer and her latest book, "Searching for Charlotte"

February 25, 2021 Cecilia Poullain / Kate Forsyth Season 1 Episode 25

Brave New Women hosted by Cecilia Poullain

I'm particularly drawn to telling the stories of women who have been unjustly forgotten by history.   Many of my historical novels are bibliographic fiction.  I tell the lives of women who once really lived and who have been unfairly ignored, whose voices have been silenced, whose achievements have been lost.” - Kate Forsyth   

Dr Kate Forsyth is an internationally recognised author and poet.  She has published 45 books, including historical novels, children’s books and books of poetry.  She has won numerous awards for her work, including the Australian Aurealis Award for Excellence in Speculative Fiction (five times) and the American Library Association Prize for her best-known novel, “Bitter Greens”.  Her latest book, “Searching for Charlotte” about her ancestor, Charlotte Waring Atkinson, co-authored with her sister, Belinda Murrell, has been shortlisted for the Australian Indies Prize for Non-Fiction.  

Kate talks about her journey in becoming a writer, the evolution of her creative process, the fights she had with her mother about becoming a professional writer, the reality of being a writer and a wife and mother, and how she and her sister organised themselves in writing “Searching for Charlotte”.

Kate historical fiction is about women who have been written out of history.  She talks about some of the most striking of these, including the woman who was the creator of many of the Grimms fairy tales. 

The interview finishes with one of the most beautiful, moving calls I have ever heard to have the courage to do what we love.  For the record: this interview implies that my parents forced me into a career that was not right for me. This was not the case. They have been ever-supporting and ever-encouraging. 

You can find out more about Kate Forsyth here:

I am running a free webinar - "Women Empower Women" - on Tuesday 27 April.  Check it out here:

I would love to hear any comments you might have on this episode and respond to any questions.  You can find me on the Brave New World Facebook page, on Linkedin or on my website:

Cecilia Poullain
Founder of Brave New Women
Coach - Empowering Women to Find their Voice

Music:  Stephen Marquis
Editing: Talal Bouroki

Cecilia Poullain
Founder of Brave New Women
Coach - Empowering Women to Find their Voice