Active's more than a #hashtag!"

EP #29: An Attempted Coup on the U.S. Capitol with Marcia Dyson

Sunni Dayz & Lisa Davis, MPH

On the Did you know Segment… Sunni and Lisa discuss The U.S. Capitol Coup Attempt… what on earth?!  On January 6, 2021, the sitting president incited a riot and civil unrest with his base.  He encouraged them to march down to the U.S. Capitol to remind congress that the election was stolen.  He even told them he would be with  them… yea, no!  More importantly, the U.S. Capitol was breached, those inside were in fear  - for their safety and lives, several supporters and two Capitol Police Officers paid the ultimate price. Not to mention, those who have now tested positive with COVID-19, a direct result of sheltering in place with folks who refused to wear a mask.  We don’t even know what the fallout will be as it relates to the spread of COVID nationally.  What we do know is, many have been identified, arrested, terminated and unable to fly those friendly skies, now labeled “Domestic Terrorists”.  Almost forgot to mention, the crowd of Domestic Terrorists was comprised of those who swore to protect and serve (law enforcement), military, elected officials, a gold medal olympian and celebrities!  Whew!  The fallout continues…

On this episode of Active Allyship…it’s more than a #hashtag! Sunni and Lisa try to unpack the gravity of the attempted coup on the U.S. Capitol with Marcia L. Dyson (yes, wife of Michael Eric Dyson).  Marcia has an upcoming memoir titled, Irreverent Memoir of A Grown Ass Woman, she’s also an Ordained Minister, Civic Social Activist and Founder of Women’s Global Institute.  Marcia shares what she’s currently marinating in…quieting her Spirit, Spirituality and mediation. 

The ladies have so much to discuss, they can hardly wait to jump right into the conversation.  Which by the way, covers a lot of ground!  There’s so much to process and digest in these times, these very uncertain and concerning times.   Talk about analogies and parallels, this episode is full of them!

Aside from the breach, the absolute fear that gripped those inside the Capitol and the willingness of uniformed police officers to be ever so gentle with the rioters, what might you ask was missing?  How about mace, clubs, rubber bullets and an army of law enforcement personnel at the ready!  We all witnessed the atrocities associated with the Black Lives Matter Peaceful Protests, we all know what happened, repeatedly.  

This riot had all of the necessary ingredients: sinister participants, bomb makers, murderers, demonizers of anything non-white, anti-Semitic language and racism. The white nationalist posturing was UNfcukingbelieveable! Let’s be clear, they had help from the inside! Not open for debate either!

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