Natural Health with CNM
Natural Health with CNM
Plant-Based Eating & Life as a Natural Chef with Nena Foster
Join Natural Chef Nena Foster as she shares her fascinating career journey and gives us a glimpse into her life as a Natural Chef. Discover how Nena made a successful mid-life career transition to follow her passion for healthy food, ultimately building a thriving career in the culinary industry. With invaluable advice for aspiring natural chefs, this episode is a must-listen for anyone considering a career change. We also explore the world of plant-based eating and Nena debunks common myths, explores plant protein sources, and shares her essential kitchen cupboard staples for a plant-based diet. Indulge in some of Nena's mouthwatering and nutritious recipes which you'll easily be able to recreate at home. For more information and the show notes, head to the CNM podcast website.
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