Witch With Books

Laura Tempest Zakroff: Weaving the Liminal

September 09, 2020 Jason Mankey, Laura Tempest Zakroff Season 1 Episode 11

It's not an exaggeration to suggest that I owe much of my writing career to Laura Tempest Zakroff. Ari and I met Tempest way back in 2016 and hit it off immediately. Within twenty minutes of talking to Tempest I knew that she was not only one of the nicest and most genuine people I've ever met, but also whip-smart and inspiring. 

Fast forward a few years and we had a conversation about what we both were currently writing. Over glasses of wine she chastised me for not submitting the book that would become Transformative Witchcraft to Llewellyn upon starting it. "You'll just piddle around with it forever unless you have a deadline" I do believe she said. During that conversation we also decided to write a book together. That project evolved into The Witch's Altar which came out just fourteen months or so after that conversation.

Tempest can do just about anything! She toured the world as a professional bellydancer (Ari knew her as a bellydancer before we knew her as a Witch), and is one of the most amazing artists we know. (Her work graces our ritual room, and Tempest did the cover to my upcoming Horned God book!) Tempest recently released her Liminal Spirits Oracle Deck for Llewellyn, and it's incredible. So freaking cool!  

In this episode of the show we talk about sigil magick, the new deck, and about half a dozen other things. 

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