Witch With Books

Witches, Whisky, & Wit: Yuletide

Jason Mankey Season 1 Episode 15

Yule is my favorite season, and in this special episode of the podcast I prattle on about the Holiday Season for a little over an hour. Most of this comes from my book, "Llewellyn's Little Book of Yule" which came out earlier this year.  I actually did this show live on Facebook so there are mentions of me answering questions from people listening to the presentation as they type questions.  

I know a lot of Witches absolutely love Halloween, and think that it's the most "Witchy" time of year, but for me there's no time of year more magickal than late Autumn/early Winter. Traditions we associate with the season are genuinely old too, sometimes thousands of years old, and have been cherished and passed down over millennia. There's nothing like Yule, and there are few things I love talking about more.   

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