Retire There with Gil & Gene

E79 Retire in Galicia, Spain

Gil & Gene with Craig & Melanie Briggs Season 1 Episode 79

Craig and Melanie Briggs were what some may describe as early adopters of the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement years before they knew what it was. Twenty years ago, while they were both around 40, the couple gave up their jobs and moved from the industrial town of Huddersfield, England to the beautiful rural countryside of the Northwest corner of Spain, known as Galicia. Craig and Melanie love the slow pace, luscious green landscape, warm people and scrumptious wines of Galicia. Find out more about life in Galicia, Spain, on Episode 79 of Retire There with Gil & Gene.

Follow Craig and Melanie’s journey in Galicia on Craig's website, Journey to a Dream.

Thus far, Craig has authored eight books on the adventures he and Melanie have experienced in early retirement, they are: 

  1. Journey To A Dream: A voyage of discovery from England's industrial north to Spain's rural interior (The Journey Book 1)

  2. Beyond Imagination: When the adventure of a lifetime becomes a lifetime of adventures (The Journey Book 2)

  3. Endless Possibilities: Sunny skies and mountains high (The Journey Book 3)

  4. Opportunities Ahead: Learn from the past, live in the present and always look forward to the future (The Journey Book 4)

  5. Driving Ambition: Life in the slow lane (The Journey Book 5)

  6. The Discerning Traveller: Let every new day broaden your horizons (The Journey Book 6)

  7. A Season To Remember: Finding the right balance without tipping the scales (The Journey Book 7)

  8. An Excellent Vintage (The Journey Book 8)

In 2021, Craig published his first novel, Pandora’s Box: A Taylor & Swift Saga.

Craig’s Facebook page is here.

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