Retire There with Gil & Gene

E91 Retire in Umbria, Italy

July 02, 2022 Gil & Gene with Nancy Hampton Season 1 Episode 91

What would you do if your other half dreams of living in Europe but the thought hadn’t even occurred to you? This happened to Nancy Hampton! Instead of dismissing the idea, she broadened her mind and ended up loving life in Europe. First in Germany, where her husband Luther found a job, and thereafter in Italy where the couple retired. They stumbled upon the 16,000 resident city of Umbertide in Umbria. Umbria was chosen for its beauty, reasonable cost of living and great location close to transportation hubs. Find out more about living in the charming region of Umbria, on Episode 91 of Retire There with Gil & Gene.

Nancy blogs at Nancy Goes to Italy: A record of an American's dream to live in Umbria. The blog shares great insight into living in Umbria, photographs and recipes. 

Nancy’s article in Dispatch Europe is Want to live in Italy? Small-town Umbria is an affordable, beautiful option.

Information about Nancy and Luther’s apartment for sale, in Umbertide, Umbria, Italy, may be found here.

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