Bethel CRC Lacombe

December 01/19 WAKE UP!

Pastor Jake Boer

Today is the first Sunday of Advent, a time where the church slows down and reflects on the gift of Jesus who came to earth to become human like us.  This Advent season we will be journeying through selected passages from the Book of Revelation: Angels, Help Us to Adore Him.  We will begin with reflection on Revelation 3:1-13, Wake Up!  This passage contains letters from Jesus to the churches in Sardis and Philadelphia.  It is so easy become complacent as followers of Jesus, allowing our faith to become only a Sunday thing.  We can lose our passion for Jesus and our passion for the world to know Jesus, so Jesus issues a call to Wake Up!  Do we need a wake-up call from Jesus, how is our passion level for our neighbours and community?