Coale Mind

Juries, Voters, and Acceptance of Responsibility: Jury Consultant Jason Bloom Returns

David Coale Season 2 Episode 12

By popular demand, the nationally respected jury consultant Jason Bloom returns to "Coale Mind" after his insightful interview last year about the restart of jury trials after the 2020 quarantines. In this episode, he discusses the insights from the continued return of jury trials.
He describes how, across the country, prospective jurors are more eager to be selected and serve on juries than ever before, reflecting a national mood that wants to reassert control over government after many months of uncertainty and frustration. Relatedly, jury deliberations are emphasizing a theme of "accountability"--examining which party to a case has demonstrated responsibility for its actions and decisions. 

Obviously important for trial lawyers, Jason's insights are also critical to understanding America's political dialogue as society continues to reawaken after the COVID pandemic. Decisionmakers (jurors, voters, and customers) bring very specific interests and desires to 2022 that must be understood and accommodated to make effective policy.  

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