The Lucky Titan

Business Redefined With Dr. John Demartini

Josh Tapp

I’m Dr John Demartini and it’s my inspiration to share the wisdom I’ve synthesized from 1000s of years of knowledge from philosophers, Nobel prize laureates and other great minds in science, business, finance and health. Stand on the shoulders of giants and implement this great wisdom in order to gain the ultimate advantage in all 7 areas of your life.

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Intro: Welcome to the Lucky Titan podcast where you will learn how to fill your favorite platform with tons of your dream customers from some of the world's top entrepreneurs. I'm your host, Josh Tapp now let's get started. 

Josh: Hello everyone, Josh Tapp here again and welcome back to the lucky Titan and today we're here with Dr. Demartini, this is an interview I've been looking forward to for many, many weeks, when his team first reached out to me, I was looking at this interview saying this is going to be probably one of the best interviews we're going to have on this show bringing this guy on if you haven't heard of him, I mean, he's written 40 books has been translated in over 39 languages. He's spoken in over 299 countries, or excuse me turn to nine, nine different disciplines, because multiple different countries, very excited to have him here to discuss the Demartini method, which is one that I believe will be very beneficial to all of us as entrepreneurs, so Dr. Demartini, thank you for coming on today. We're excited to have you here.

Dr. Demartini: Well, thank you. I was looking forward to it. 

Josh: Absolutely. 

Dr. Demartini: I am glad, that we got our time zones together, I was I'm floating around. So I'm the time zones were had to be coordinated. 

Josh: Yes, absolutely. I'm grateful it worked out. I mean, for those of you don't know, he's currently sitting on a boat, Going clear across the Atlantic, you're going across right now heading to London, so he's taking a multi

Dr. Demartini: Yea, going to Madeira, I'm headed to Madeira, and then Gibraltar, then Cadiz, Spain and then off into the Mediterranean.

Josh: So the big question here is, are you married Dr. Demartini.

Dr. Demartini: I was my wife passed away, I am, single, my girlfriend was just here with me, she just left and just landed in Istanbul yesterday so she just left.

Josh: Curious about that. If you're because I know my wife, I was gone for a week. She's like, why am I not on that boat with you, right, I'm excited, I'm excited to see that you're, you're on your way and I appreciate you coming in at a late time. It sounds like during the evening time where you're at currently so I want to kick this though off Dr. Demartini, about really kind of that pivotal moment for you when you realize that the industry you're in is the industry that you wanted to pursue because there's 1000s of different industries that you could have pursued, but why the psychology sector?

Dr. Demartini: Well, I was when I was very, very young, a year and a half old, I ended up with a speech impediment, and had to go to speech pathologists, from age one, I have to probably four,  I always had an arm and leg deformity and had to wear braces on my left arm and leg, I was told in first grade I would never be able to read, write communicate properly and over and over in foreign life not to mount too much but after four I got out of my braces and I wanted to run everywhere so my teacher said look, he's not going to be able to read and write or speak properly but he likes to run so put them into sports at least have someplace he can excel. 

Josh: Yeah. 

Dr. Demartini: So I ended up eventually dropping out of school picked up the surfing kick in Texas, which wasn't sort of capital. 

Josh: Yeah. 

Dr. Demartini: at 13. I left home. 14 I hitchhiked from Texas to California and down in New Mexico 15, I made it to Hawaii to surf and I lived on the North Shore and surf there, I lived at a chi Beach Park at first I lived in under a bridge than a park bench than in a bathroom than an abandoned car but lived at in (unintelligible) wrote big waves gradually nearly died at 17 and luckily was found by a woman in my tent, after being unconscious for three and a half days, she led me to a little health food store that led me to a yoga class, which I can't imagine how that would have happened but it just happened, there was a guest speaker named Paul Bragg, who inspired me one night to believe that I could someday become intelligent, overcome my learning problems and speaking problems and learn how to read, I never had read a book from cover to cover until age 18 and that night, after hearing him speak, I was had tears in my eyes and I saw, I guess you could say a vision of what I would love to do and I really, really, really wanted to be intelligent, I didn't want to have to wear a dunce cap like I had in first grade. 

Josh: Yeah. 

Dr. Demartini: And I had a dream that I could eventually overcome my learning problems, be intelligent enough to be able to share ideas and speak properly and become a teacher so that started November 18 1972, that night, and I had a dream to overcome those obstacles and I am just as inspired today as that moment about what I needed to do so that's where it started.

Josh: Yeah. 

Dr. Demartini: Now that led me back to eventually California. I flew back to California, hitchhiked back to Texas, eventually took a GED high school equivalency test, miraculously passed this thing, tried to go back to school failed and I got a 27 on a test that I knew the 72 paths I came home crying, thinking what my first grade teacher had said and my mom found me on the living room floor and she said what drops and what happened to I said I blew the test. I guess I don't have one to text I guess I'll never read, write or communicate around, things never go very far, I just recorded what the teacher said, she didn't know what to say and she, in that moment, did what only a mom could do, she put her hand on my shoulder and she said, Son, whether you become a great teacher and travel the world, like your dream, whether you go back to Hawaii and ride giant waves, like you've done, we returned to the streets and Panhandle as a kid on the streets like you've done, I just want to let you know your father and I are gonna love you, no matter what you do, when she said that my hand went into a fist, I looked up, and I saw the vision, I saw the night I met Paul Bragg, and he's standing in front of a million people speaking and I said to myself, I'm in a master's thing called reading and studying and learning and amassed this thing called teaching, and you know, education, and I'm gonna do whatever it takes, I'm gonna travel whatever distance I'm gonna pay whatever price to get my service of love across this planet, I'm not gonna let any human being on this face of this earth, not even myself, stop me, hug my mom, I went in the room, I got a dictionary out, I started memorizing a dictionary and she and I worked on 30 words a day spelling, pronouncing using them in a sentence, get the meaning and I did that relentlessly, a minimum of 30 words a day into my vocabulary was strong enough to go back and finish and try to go back to school and pass and I did and then I excelled and I was more determined than most of the kids, they were just going there because they had to go to college, I just wanted to learn, I wanted to read, it was meaningful to me, so my career as a individual in human behavior started as a pursuit to want to overcome my challenges, master my own life to exemplification and help other people do the same, so that's where it started and that's 50 years ago, coming up November. 

Josh: Wow. 

Dr. Demartini: So I've been doing it that long. So I started my teaching career at age 18. And my learning started. And I learned that if I told people what I just learned, it accelerated my learning. So I started teaching, and reading and learning and that led to speaking, and I also went into health field and that also led to consulting and then business consulting, because I built a very viable very quickly business and that has led me around the world to speak now in 170 countries around the world.

Josh: It's fantastic. What I love about your story is there are key players, right and key moments, which I feel like everybody has those, I can't remember if it was in your book, or in or another one I read, but people is kind of what your mother was telling you. Right is that there's, you have a choice, right there's I think you wrote about this, but there was a doctor and prison inmate who were both there were brothers and they were asked the same question of why are you where you're at now and they both said, it's because I grew up on the wrong side of the tracks, you know, my parents I live with my grandma was raised that way and they both blamed their success or their failure on the exact same set of circumstances, can’t remember, if you were the one who wrote that or not, but I was so impressed by that story, because I know for myself, I had a very similar story to that, you know, it helped me feel a lot more inspired to step out and become more and with your story, obviously, you know, it's 50 years of it, right? It's proven that the methodology has been proven and so my question to you with that is, with your, you know, you're going into the psychology field, what guided you into wanting to go and teach this, instead of just saying, Hey, I'm going to be a psychologist who works in the field and creates a business like every other psychologist, like why'd you end up deciding to go speaking, 

Dr. Demartini: I think the speech impediment, and because speaking allows you to leverage and reach more people are one on one, one on group, one on radio, one on television, writing, also, because writing allows me to I've written for 1500 or 30 different magazines around the world. So I write voluminously, and anything allows me to get a message out, I do. 

Josh: Yeah. 

Dr. Demartini: Every vehicle that has been found, and I'm aware of, I incorporate love to reach people around the world, I have been relentless in that, you know, seven days a week, because it's the mission that I feel that I'm on. 

Josh: Yeah. 

Dr. Demartini: And I was clear about that and refined it more fully as I went along, I read it and refined it, my mission statement, I started in 1972 and I've read it and refined it and read it and we find it at times, it's been polished at times and so I'm really clear about what I've committed to and I just do it every day, I don't distract myself by things, I just stay focused on what I'm doing. It's easy because it's I've delegated everything else, I always say that anything that's not absolutely inspiring to delegate so I delegate everything else except teach research and write, I don't have anything else to do, I haven't driven a car in 32 years I haven't cooked since I was 24 anything that is lower on your values that you do devalues you 

Josh: Yeah. 

Dr. Demartini: And anything that's highest on your hierarchy of values inspires you. So teaching, researching and writing is what inspires me so if I want to live in his entire life, I delegate the rest of my I don't do those other things, I surround myself with people who are experts in those areas and they take care of that for me.

Josh: What I love about that is that you took what was the weakness turned it into the reason why what is then become your strength, I think that's so amazing it's funny, I have an employee here who had a similar story to what people were telling him he was dumb when he was a kid, I will never learn he's you know, teachers constantly telling him how dumb he was and putting him in the special classes, but he's one of our best team members, right and He's highly intelligent he just isn't, hasn't been told that until now and he's becoming way more successful because people are willing to support him, you know, and then help him become more successful so I'd love to see that happen more because I know for myself, I never felt intelligent either and I had to make that decision for myself to say, You know what, I'm going to overcome this, I'm going to overcome my fear of speaking in my introverted nature and start a podcast, right, many of the other things that we've done, so when it comes to the Demartini method, right, what's the big problem and like story change that you're making for your clients, what are you trying to help them accomplish?

Dr. Demartini: Ooh, boy, that's quite variety, because we have over 1000 different issues that people have been able to help with that method 

Josh: right? 

Dr. Demartini: So there's a lot 

Josh: yeah. 

Dr. Demartini: maybe if I developed it and gave some insight on the method, then it might make sense out of it. 

Josh: Yeah, please do. 

Dr. Demartini: every human being, regardless of age, gender, spectrum, or culture lives, moment by moment, by a set of priorities, a set of values, things that are most to least important in their life, and whatever is highest on that list is intrinsic and they spontaneously are inspired to act and fulfill it, like a boy who loves video games, he doesn't need to be motivated to do his video game, 

Josh: Right, 

Dr. Demartini: but as you go down the list of values, they become more extrinsic as you go down and it requires more extrinsic motivation, reward if you do it punishment if you don't, in order to sustain action so anytime an individual is living by lower values, they're less efficient, and they're requiring extrinsic motivation and motivation is a symptom of not prioritizing your life if you need it, inspiration is an intrinsic yearning to fulfill something deeply meaningful, and anything with their perceptions that they perceive support that they open up to their pulvinar nuclear and their thalamus gate keeps and filters their sensory infinity, and allows whatever comes in to go through it snd anything that supports values that goes up into the cortex become conscious, and anything that challenges it, top of the reticular activating system shuts it off and tries to protect from it. So we have a filtering mechanism and anything that's not fulfilling that value goes down into the amygdala, and we avoid it and seek its opposite and these are the sources of our distractions, all distractions that people face in any of their primary areas of life, their intellectual pursuit, their business pursuit or economic pursuit, their relationship pursuit, their social leadership, pursuit, their health, fitness pursuit, their spiritual pursuit, any distraction they face is something that they're either infatuated with, or something they resent something that they have a subjective bias with their con, they're conscious of the upsides and unconscious the downsides, or conscious of the downsides unconscious, the upside, and they have a skewed subjectively biased interpretation, their reality but anything that fits the highest value filters in and allows you to see both sides objectively, we have an amygdala, which is a subcortical area, which is involved in survival, and it wants to avoid predator and seek prey so it's designed to have subjective biases to accelerate adrenaline to be able to seek prey and avoid predator and we have the executive function of the prefrontal cortex which is involved in objectivity, reason, a balanced objective, mitigating risks, strategic planning, inspired vision, executing plans and self-governance so the path of mastery, the path of empowerment, you might say, is living by priority, if we don't fill our day with high priority actions that inspire us, our day fills up with low priority distractions that don't, and the low priority distractions that don't cause those impulses and instincts which are distractions, as a feedback to let us know we're not living by priority, and whatever's highest on our value, our identity revolves around whatever is highest undervalue, our purpose evolves around whatever is highest value, our piston illogical learning maximizes in that area so identifying that is crucial for the path of mastery path empowerment for individuals, whether they be business or raising a family or being leaders and senators or whatever it may work with now, the Demartini method is a method design to hone that and to dissolve distractions to maximize intense focus so you can build momentum building a brand that is intrinsic, that magnetizes through exemplification, naturally, right people that match that that are synchronously aligned to that so it's a series of questions that make you conscious of what is unconscious so you can be fully conscious objectively of what's happening around you, instead of letting your subjective biases make you sicker, avoid with distractions so it's a science of being accountable to what is truly most important to you to extract meaning out of your daily life, and to see the hidden order in the apparent chaos because whoever can see the hidden order is the one who is able to give order and be the leader, whoever lives by priority most efficiently ends up rising to the top Gary Keller talked about the one thing that one thing is that highest priority and identifying it, in my website I have a complimentary private value determination process which I've distilled over 44 years to help people discern what is really important to them according to what their life demonstrates, not by the fantasies that they may be emerging in their minds because a comparison of other people they admire, many people live with should’s and not should’s, supposed to’s, got to’s, have to’s and must and need to’s imperatives, subordinating to outer authorities that they fantasize and want to be liked, instead of identifying what is truly intrinsically a calling inside that they want to bring to the world, and that is where they excel. And that is where they are more objective and that is where they have sustainable fair exchange and transactions with people because when you're down in your amygdala, you tend to be narcissistic, looking down on people or altruistic looking up at people and you try to get something for nothing or give something for nothing in your immediate gratification, which undermines entrepreneurial development so getting people the Demartini method is a science of getting people into their most authentic, most integral, most prioritized undistracted state of being to help them master their pursuit that they become clear on in their mind and it's a very profound method I've been working on for almost 50 years.

Josh: Yeah, beautiful. First off, I love the methodology, because it's really getting to the root of the problem as you're talking, I'm sitting here thinking about myself and about the problems of a lot of the people who listen to the show and we often get distracted by the shiny objects and you know, chasing different business pursuits, or you know, that altruistic behavior, like you're saying, looking up at other people saying, oh, maybe I could be like that person and we tend to almost worship these influencer type people and then it also is reflected in our hiring decisions and everything that we do as well and it's interesting, because as you're saying this, I'm going to go through your program, because I think it'll be very beneficial for us but I'm curious with the way that you have been leveraging this in your own life, because as you said, you haven't driven a car for what was it, 20 some odd years and 

Dr. Demartini: 32 years. 

Josh: 32 years, let alone all the other things that you're taking off your plate, I think most people would look at that and say, Oh, well, that you can do that because you have a lot of money, would you speak to that as far as how you start with this methodology without having to have? 

Dr. Demartini: just in reverse, I have a lot of money because I did that. 

Josh: I love that. I love it. 

Dr. Demartini: I'd like to dress money if I can, that’s appropriate. 

Josh: Please do, yeah, that is appropriate, let's go for it.

Dr. Demartini: I was speaking in 2013 in Johannesburg at the convention center Sandton Convention Center, there's about 5000 people, there was a convention where I was the opening speaker, Richard Branson was the final speaker and I asked people because it was an entrepreneur, business success, financial kind of thing and I asked how many of you would love to be financially independent and 5000, people put their hands up probably 4000, put the other hand up, and probably another 1000 put there, the same people put their foot up so they rallied, they roared. 

Josh: Yeah. 

Dr. Demartini: And I said, fantastic. Now, how many of you are financially independent, the boy got quiet solid, all of a sudden, where your passive income is exceeding your active income, and you're working only because you love to not because you have to, and all went down except for seven hands. Now, if I'm speaking to a group of executives, that's a higher percentage patient for sure, because it's a majority, but just a general audience and a big rally and I said, Now, would you like to know why less than 1% of the world's population obtain it and yet 100% of the people fantasize about it, and it got their attention and I said, it's very simple, the hierarchy of your values dictate your financial destiny, tell me what you value, I'll tell you where your money's going, then I said to him, I want you to get a piece of paper out and on this piece of paper, I'm going to give you 60 seconds, I've just deposited 10 million US dollars into your bank account, you have 60 seconds, decide how you're going to spend it and you have 10 choices, you have to decide what are the 10 things you would do with $10 million, you have 60 seconds to quickly write them on this piece of paper on your mark, get set go and quickly they they rattled off the 10 things that would do that $10 million, I said times up, handed to the person to the right and do your best at calculating the individual you just received it from your left on calculate how much of the $10 million they had is left in assets, they can grow economically and 20 to 80% was the average in that room that they had spent it on consumable depreciable I get that car, get that house, get that trip, buy that boat, get those clothes, buy that ring so I explained to them that as long as you have a higher value on consumables that depreciate and don't have value on buying assets that appreciate, you'll be working for money most of your life as a slave instead of having mastery over the money and have it worked for you because unless you put money into something goes up in value wealthy people buy things that go up in value poor people buy things that go down in value, I said in your hierarchy of values dictates every perception decision and action you're taking, every decision you make is based on what you believe will give the greatest advantage or disadvantage in that moment, based on the data you're seeing, you're perceiving. So you just now faced your reality by what you wrote and if you don't have a higher value, and that percentage is not higher than what you've got, you're going to keep spending your money, the second you get it, you're going to spend it on things that go down so what you're really saying, when you say I want lunch, I want to, you know, financial independence, what you're really having in your mind is I want the lifestyle of the rich and famous, I want to spend money, but a lot of people, even in the celebrity world, which I've had the opportunity to work with many of them, many of them have money coming in but it's going out as fast if not faster than it's coming in and some are bankrupt, I mean, they make 100,000,200 340 million and have no money so it's not a matter of how much you make, it's how you manage what you make in the heart of your values dictates how you manage it and when you manage it wisely you receive more to manage, if you manage it, unwisely, it goes into other people's hands money circulates through the economy from those who value at least to those value at most automatically so the first thing that people need to do is it's not how much you make, it's how you manage it. Now, I worked with a gentleman who had an income of $6.27 million a year, which is darn good income. 

Josh: Yeah. 

Dr. Demartini: That's his gross income, yhat's not his personal income, that's his gross income to his business, he's a doctor but he asked me to consult with him when I got with him. He had this fancy house, fancy yacht in the back, fancy cars, fancy clothes, fancy artwork, fancy this fancy that yardwork everything, but he had to borrow $329,000 that year to pay his taxes, he had no organization around his money and the irony is he had an assistant working for him that was saving 20% of her income, making only a small percentage of what he made, I mean, it wasn't even in six digits, that she was closer to financial independence than he will ever be with his hierarchy of values so an entrepreneur, their values are going to dictate how they manage their money and something I learned from the book of wealth by Hubert Howe Bancroft, if they don't have a very, extremely high value on serving ever greater numbers of people, and truly being contributing, not altruistically, were sacrificed but in sustainable fair exchange manners, with ever greater numbers of people and don't care about enough about humanity to find out what the true needs are not the assumptions presumed and projected but the actual needs of the people where they're actually having a demand to buy a demand than they really don't care about human beings, wealthy people care about human beings, they go and find what the people need and they find the problem, when people live by their highest values, they pursue challenges that inspire them, which wakes up creativity, innovation, original ideas and genius and they love solving problems and the greatest problems to solve are ones that fulfill the needs as the dominant buying motive the human being, so the entrepreneur who cares enough about humanity to find out what the need is, and cares enough about himself or herself, to find where it overlaps what is most meaningful and inspiring and highest on their value now, they can't wait to get up in the morning and be of service and people can't wait to get the service and you found your niche. So you can't inject the values of some authority, Ralph Waldo Emerson said envy is ignorance and imitation is suicide, you can't subordinate to somebody else and go, Oh, I fantasize about being like they might want to do what they do and if your heart and soul is not in it, and it's not really deeply meaningful to you, you won't sustain and endure the challenges you face and if you don't really truly meet somebody's needs, and your narcissist, he can project assumptions onto him, you're not going to meet the needs, and you're going to be pushing uphill, trying to advertise and market yourself to sell so nature forces authenticity within you and forces authentic caring about other people, ultimately, in the long term development of a business.

Josh: One, you've mentioned a few times within there, and I appreciate sharing that methodology. I mean, you mentioned the values, right, and the values dictating and what I've learned, you know, from like Jack Welch, for example, right? He talks about values within a company and these values are what you are not what you wish to be right and so my curiosity is from an entrepreneurial perspective, is there even a way to change those values because I mean, you did that exercise with all of those people who are these are my value so how are you helping people to bridge that gap because they have to change who they are at a core level in order to actually change the values, it sounds like? 

Dr. Demartini: Okay, so here's the thing, you have two choices, you can set goals that match your current values, to have fulfillment or you can change your values to match the goals that you have to have fulfillment, but unless they're congruent, there's an incongruence, there between what you're saying you want what you value, that doesn't work, that's self-defeating. So many people, instead of pursuing fantasies of trying to live outside their own values, and living in other people's values, which is futile idea of a choice, they said, you can calm down your fantasy and get real about what your life demonstrates, and get real, and your depression will go down, your self-depreciation will go down, or you can change your values, what would you prefer, I give an option, or sometimes both, depending on what more than one different objective now, values are changing through your life and there's two theories and models of changing those values, one is what they call a gradual hypothesis, and the other is a punctate cataclysmic hypothesis sometimes an individual's values can change cataclysmically by a death of a child, a marriage, COVID, a bankruptcy, an illness, a cataclysmic event that changes and makes you have a shift in values and what that means is now you have a new associations in the brain, a positive negatives associated with the actions that you're doing and there's others as it's gradual, people who live by their highest values and delegate, things usually do the gradual approach, people who live by lower values and are burnt out or bored with what they do end up usually having a hit bottom with cataclysmic change so I first find out what their values are, we then start getting them in priority, according to it, so they're more resilient and adaptable and then we start stacking up new associations in the brain on the actions that are proven to work to get a result, there are certain actions that people do that increase the probability of building well, there's certain actions that increase the probability of building health, certain actions that increase the probability of having sustainable relationships, in your mind, if you're not doing them, you're associating more drawbacks and benefits and that's why they're being deleted so we go in there and identify the very precise actions that are proven to work because, you know, the achievements leave their marks and their clues if we identify them and link by asking what is the advantage of doing this action if we stack up enough advantages, once the advantages are over and above what you're currently doing with your actions, you'll shift neuro plastically or pathway and actions go in that direction, it's a skinner operant, conditioning, or Pavlovian conditioning by association, I've developed a whole science around that, I've trained it in-corporates and consultants and governments and you name it but there's a second layer, you may not want to sacrifice what's currently valuable to in order to raise something higher on your values so you may not want to sacrifice your family to have your wealth, you may not want to sacrifice your work routine or exercise to have your health so in addition to stacking up general benefits, we also stack up specific links, how specifically are doing these actions going to help you fulfill your current exercise program, how's he going to help you and your relationship, how's it going to help you in your health arena, if the brain sees the association, and it sees it on the way it incorporates it and so that's called Super tasking, not multitasking any action in any area of your life that you can link to what your current highest value is, you're able to incorporate it spontaneously without having to be motivated, motivation is a symptom never a solution for maximizing performance, many people get confused about external motivation, thinking that's the solution to keep things driven and that's willpower determination, that's not where it's at, spontaneous inspired action the child who loves video games doesn't need willpower, he loves his video games, I was having dinner with a gentleman who founded a very significant company, it was international at 297,000 clients of major corporation around the world inside his company, very wealthy billionaire, we're having lunch at a French restaurant, across the four seasons in Sydney, Australia one night, and he said, You know, I started my company in 1951 and I've never worked a day in my life, ever since I found out what I really love doing, I feel like at dance every day, yes, he has challenges. Yes, those things pop in and out but he learned to delegate, he learned to do what he loved and he was inspired by it and he couldn't wait to go to work, he was he's now in his 90s, mid 90s still doing it, be doesn't age because when you're doing something you're present with when a human being is really present in an age but when they're just sitting there distracted with it, memories that are painful and imaginations that are fanciful, they've created entropy, the arrow of time in their mind and age themselves and then they end up, you know, running into resistance instead of the flow, when you're, as Peter Lynch said, in his one up on Wall Street, something that was right on the money, after he does his technical and quantitative analysis on business, he goes actually to the company headquarters and visit before he starts to buy stock in the company. He wants to meet the people, the people factor, and he says, I'm looking for a certain set of things, people, are they grateful for their job are they loving what they're doing or they're inspired by the vision, are they enthusiastically working, are they certain about their specialty, and are they present when they're doing it, if I see that I know I can invest money into it, I know that's going to appreciate value, eventually can call those the trends and battles they train sin, that normal behaviors of polarity that most people are trapped in great leaders manage paradoxes, and most people are oscillating in paradox as voluntarily, instead of actually being centered in poised and present and purposeful, and empowered and prioritized, you know, down the path, you might say and that's because that's what the Demartini method is for them, the Demartini method is a science of how to center that individual, and clarify that mission, that they're really called to do whatever's highest on an individual's values, their mission path, Aristotle call that highest value that tell us the end in mind, it was called the chief aim by Napoleon Hill and tell us one of my mentors at 20, he called it the primary objective but whatever that is, the study of that was called teleology, which is the study of meaning and purpose, the most meaningful, the most inspiring, most fulfilling, most purposeful thing a human being can do is to fulfill what is most intrinsically calling them in their life, theologians call it the calling, some call it the meant to have a purpose. That is something that is makes a person unstoppable and that is the thing that allows him to create incremental momentum building actions like the domino effect, it's unstoppable and creating something and people when they see authentic people, they want to do business with them they have integrity and they magnetize because of exemplifying what's possible as a human being they magnetize people to them and they draw in what another gentleman Jim Parker called the naturally right. Net, or, or Walter Haley called the natural existing economic relationships, naturally existing work relationships and that's when you get the right people on the bus as Collins would say, this is where you're in the zone and this is this is something that's trainable in something that's reproducible so I'm interested in that, that's the reason I put this methodology and the value information together, because there is a science to it, it can be trained, it can be taught, and a person can master it, it's a methodical system.

Josh: I love that and I hope people will look at that and say, Okay, can I actually leverage this in what I'm doing today and honestly, I don't think you could get through this interview without having a jotting notes over here. Like, these are things I need to be working on right and I'm gonna go by the book right after this, too. So I hope everybody will go check out. So it's Is that correct? 

Dr. Demartini: Yes. 

Josh: So make sure you head to Go check those things out, Dr.Demartini before we hop off here, I just wanted to ask you a final question just to kind of wrap up this interview because you've, you've shared so much value with everyone and I really appreciate your wisdom that you've brought but do you mind sharing just this is something you've kind of been saying throughout this entire conversation is kind of like a subtext but what's the difference between seeing and perceiving to you?

Dr. Demartini: Seeing and perceiving? 

Josh: Yeah. 

Dr. Demartini: your eyes have receptors, photoreceptors, rods and cones for night and day, a color that pick up electromagnet pick wavelengths and nanometer ranges and create what they call a transduction of electromagnetism into a gradual potential graduate radiated potential and eventually action potential a nerve and once it goes into the ganglion cells and goes into the super cosmic nucleus and goes into the Ginyu and goes into eventually, occipital cortex, as it's doing that it's going into what is called inter neurons, you have sensory neurons, inter neurons, and then motor neurons for response, once it goes into the inner neurons and becomes associated with all the experiences you've had previously, it's now called a perception, it's a reception, it's transduction, it's inter association, and that begins the perception so sight becomes a perception, once it passes from reception into the inter inter neurons and the all the associated areas, area, the brain there's six associated areas in the occipital cortex for visual and when information goes in there, as it goes from The primary cortex, which just takes in the information, it starts associated with all the experiences you've had in your life, and you can make a hell out of it or a heaven out of it, the same stimulus can be turned into a heaven or a hell as John Milton, the poet said, by the previous experiences stored in the subconscious mind, which are previous associations that have never been balanced and so you can change the perception and that's where my method comes in, I can ask questions to make you conscious of information you are unconscious of balance that out and once I balance it out, the forebrain takes that information and maximizes its action spontaneously, instead of reaction, the amid was involved in survival reactions and that's usually, as Warren Buffett says, until you can manage your emotions, don't expect to manage money and Robert Greene says and manage your emotions, don't expect to add a leadership position. If you're not in your executive center, and you're down in your amygdala, you're going to be extrinsically driven, instead of intrinsically called and a person who can act regardless of our circumstances leads the way, whoever has the most certainly leads the way so a sight can be turned into a perception by those associations and that's the difference and you have control over perceptions, decisions and actions, you don't have control over your eyes picking up the data, but you can interpret that data and decide what to do with that data. And that's what you have control over.

Josh:  I love that. And I would hope everybody would, would look at that and say, what is my current perception or my current believed reality is it sounds like what you're trying to explain here, Dr. Demartini but I would hope that people would be able to say, how do I change my perceptions, how do I change my values, I highly recommend you go check out the Demartini method for that reason.

Dr. Demartini: Yeah, there is a science to this. It has nothing to do with what happens to you on the outside. It has everything to do with how you decide to perceive it, decide with it, what to do with it and act on it. One of the greatest questions, you know, I there's seven questions, I love asking people in business. What is it you would absolutely love to do in life? How can you get absolutely handsomely paid to do it? Or beautifully paid to do it? If you're a woman? How can you make millions doing it? Billions doing what are the highest priority actions I can do today to make that happen, start acting on it. You can't take action steps towards your objectives without getting closer to that outcome, what obstacles might I run into? How do I solve in advance? By foresight, not hindsight? What worked? What didn't work today? How do I do what I'm doing more effectively and efficiently tomorrow and how did no matter what happened today, wow is he helping me get one step closer to this objective, those are great questions are quite evenly spaced, and quite the questions that most people ask how do I afford to do this and they're getting debt, instead of how can I make be paid handsomely to do that so they get into profit, I don't know if I have the time yet but can I share a little exercise that helped me scale up a business, when I was 27 years old, that really made a difference?

Josh: Yeah, that would be huge. Go for it.

Dr. Demartini: I was I started out with one little assistant. I started out in an office practice at one time 1982 I was doing everything overwhelmed, spent 10 years towards college once I learned to get back in college, to do this specialty and my specialty was on neurology and the brain at the time, and spine and what's interesting is, I realized I was overwhelmed by doing low priority things, I was majoring in minors and minoring in majors so I went to a Waltons bookstore, which was a chain at the time, and got a book called The Time Trap by Alec McKenzie, still available. I read that dog eared it, underlined it and summarized it and I put a sheet of paper together an eight and a half by 11 inch piece of paper, I took a ruler and I drew five lines on it to make six equal space columns. In the first column, I wrote down every action that I take in a daily basis over a three-month period, I wrote everything that I did, that I could think of that I do, and not broad vague generalities and things like marketing too vague, I wrote down every single action step I did moment by moment to the day answering the phone doing this doing papers writing a letter researching this, whatever, I wrote down every action I did and I divided into professional and personal, work and home and as I did that, I was already gleaning and leaning insights on the realization that I'm definitely doing things that aren't really the most important but I'm doing them, when I got through that list. In the second column, I wrote down how much does that action produced per hour and I did the best extrapolation I could to the best of my ability because some are very clear, I knew exactly what they were and others were vague. And I had to take portions of a job that made a certain thing and put that little portion and estimated and I put the exact dollar in earned and I found out a whole lot of stuff I was doing wasn't earning anything, which meant I wasn't serving anybody, I wasn't doing something that serves somebody that they would be willing to pay for, when I got through that list, I found out that me going out and sharing a message and speaking to people was the most productive thing I could do because I could generate new clients from that, and expose and leverage myself, the second thing was the actual clinical work that I was doing with people and consulting with people and the third turned out to be training other people and delegating things and I went down the list, and it was $15,000 an hour down to zero and I prioritize that whole list. In the next column, I wrote down on a one to 10 scale, how much meaning does each of those actions have 10, meaning I'm inspired, I love it, one or zero, gotta do it. I hate doing this and I prioritize that entire list based on what was most inspiring and meaningful town at least and it just so happened that some of the ones that were most meaningful are also the ones that goosebumps, that means I couldn't wait to do it and it also produced the most so anytime I'm doing anything less than that I'm undermining my business, and undermining my vitality and vitality is what draws business, if you're not inspired by what you do, and enthused about what you're doing, and on fire about what you're doing, you're gonna hold back your business, I went to the next column and I prioritized that according to 10, down to zero. Next column, I went, how much would it cost to hire somebody to do that job to have somebody do that particular job, to the same standard as me or greater, every dollar not just their fees, their salaries, but their parking, their insurance, their bonuses, their equipment, their depreciation, schedule, their space usage, everything? How much would it cost me, and I wrote down all the cost to the best of my ability and then I looked at the spread between what it produced per hour versus what it would cost per hour to look at where the spreads were, and I prioritize the spreads so I knew who I wanted to delegate what I want to delegate first all the way to last, like extract surplus labor value out of somebody else and produce the most income with the least amount of effort and increase the number of employees I had, which means I helped the economy, the next column was how much time do I actually spend on these things so I can coordinate my day and how often do I do them. And the last one is a final prioritization, factoring in all the variables, when I got through that, it was very clear to me where I was going, what I was going to do, what was going to produce the most income, serve the most clients, make the most income, and allow me to hire the most people and get job opportunities, I then layered that into 10 layers, put a job description for each layer, and hired that individual and that job duty, and put a fee on it and hired it, I didn't get the first person the first time, I had to go three people on the first one, two people in the second one, but by the time I did the third one, I had pretty better ideas on how to hire people, I learned never to hire anybody that doesn't have highest on their values, what I want to delegate, because if I have to micromanage them, and motivate them extrinsically, to get them to do this wrong person, wrong person on the bus so I learned to do the value determination on the individuals I'm employing, and to make sure that they can see congruently how this job description is gonna help them fulfill their dreams, because if they can't see it, I'm going to be needing to motivate him and micromanage him, I don't want to do that. Otherwise, I'm distracted from my primary objects so I did those layers and from 18 months from start to finish from reading that book, from a 970 square foot little office with one staff, 18 months later, I had a 5000 square foot office and 12 staff, five doctors and all I was doing a speaking, working with only the top clients and training the teams and spine teams and training them on efficiencies and my income net was more than tenfold so I never went back, I never went back to doing anything other than today teach research and right, I produce millions doing that, hundreds of millions doing that and I've delegated the rest so the key is not to do low priority desperate things that weigh you down, you'll lose your creativity you'll be in your amygdala you'll lose your inspired vision, you won't feel on top of the world, you won't be inspired you won't generate your creative insights and innovative creative cutting edge stuff and you'll be putting out a lot of fires and be reacting instead of acting from a vision you lose your vision it's the visionary the unbowed visionaries that are not subordinate and outer authorities that are becoming authority because of specialized knowledge is what leads the pack.

Josh: Yeah. Wow, that is such an awesome exercise. All of us are probably gonna have to go back I was starting to write it down, I'm like I'm gonna have to go back and listen to this four or five times so I can practice that because that that exercise sounds like the best way to line out your life plan and maybe even a sub factor that would be that you could say this is exactly how much I want to make in the long term you know, and it gives you a clear path to get there so I I appreciate you sharing that Dr. Demartini because that was that was inspired piece there, well I appreciate you for coming on here and sharing so much wisdom with us Dr. Demartini that was really honestly such a fantastic interview, we appreciate you coming on and we ask that anybody who's listening to this that you go check out go get his books go read everything that this guy does obviously he knows what he's talking about so, thanks a ton for coming on the show Dr. Demartini

Dr. Demartini: Thank you for having me, Josh. Thanks. Appreciate the opportunity. Thank you so much.

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