The Lucky Titan

Gamify your habits to level up your life with Will Moore

Josh Tapp

Will is a serial entrepreneur, gamification, habits, and happiness expert. After exiting his delivery startup for $321 mil in 2019, he’s made it his mission to help others become an entrepreneur of the most important business they’ll ever run, THEIR LIFE.   He gamifies the process of leveling up in each of these 5 Cores by using the latest in science and technology to reduce the friction of taking the actions that will make the biggest difference in our lives.

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Intro: Welcome to the Lucky Titan podcast where you will learn how to fill your favorite platform with tons of your dream customers from some of the world's top entrepreneurs. I'm your host, Josh Tapp, now let's get started. 

Josh: What is up everybody, Josh Tapp here again and welcome back to the lucky Titan and today we're here with Will Moore, he's the founder of more momentum and this was actually a really fun pre interview first off, got to learn a little bit about well, and his past exits and what he's been doing but I was excited to have him on here to really talk about, you know, scaling, right, and that momentum and generating action in your business because a there's a problem I've been having with my employees. So I was excited to dive into this but just another big push for all of you, I'm sure to start taking action. So we'll stoked to have you here, man. First off, say what's up to everybody, and we'll hop in. 

Will: Awesome. Thanks, man. Good to have good to be on here. Josh. What's up, everybody ready to go? Let's rock. 

Josh: let’s run into it, man. So I'm curious about this first off from a transitionary stage for yourself as you have a great exit from basically Silent Partner cashed out and you said, okay, this is the next thing I'm going to do and more momentum is is the next step for you right? That's there was nothing in between, then? 

Will: No, no, 

Josh: yeah. So that was that was your your core business so I wanted to make sure of that before I dive into this, because I've got to look like a fool if I do it otherwise so with that being your next step, it's really intriguing to me how many people who exit transition into what I would almost call legacy based business, which is what it looks like, you're doing more momentum and so as exciting to me as you're like, Okay, now I give back so talk to us a little bit about that, about why and how you're giving back with more momentum.

Will: That's a great observation, you know, that fits right in with you know, so I have these five principles that I talked about, and you know, as you move from birth to death, you know, to me, it's one of these things is, the older you get, the more you start to realize how important these certain areas of your life are, and have that nurturing building momentum in them finding balance in them how important they are and one of them legacy is a huge part of that as his career and finances and so to me, there's this bridge between when you're younger, it's kind of all about the money. You're very selfish, you know, it's in our DNA as humans to want more greed is good Gordon Gekko style and then at a certain point, if you're fortunate enough to get you know, to hit your goals, or to get that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and be drinking that pina colada on the beach invariably, I think what's what happens is including this happened to me as well and as you said, I think a lot of people you've interviewed is, you sort of go, Huh, well, that feels awesome, don't get me wrong but now what? Right and and this thing that people that haven't gotten there will spend their whole lives chasing, you know, hoping you know, what if only it said, If only if only I had a million dollars, I only had 10 million, if only I could get my business to do X, Y, and Z and then what happens is they just got blinders on and they're kind of going through life, and they're not enjoying the rest and if you're fortunate enough to kind of get to a space where, you know, I sold I exited my company, and for a period there was this, like, wow, I technically don't have to work for the rest of my life here and yes, you know, after 10 years of blood, sweat and tears and 23 hour days, sometimes, you know, it was a hell of a feeling and I took about a month off and I did all the things I'd wanted to be doing for the last several years, I played a lot of golf, I got massages, I I read some books and you know that I was backlogged on whatever but then it was very, as I said, it was very much like, Okay, now what, and for me, I'd had this, you know, I already kind of knew what I wanted to transition and I already knew that this feeling was coming, because I'd read enough self-help and personal wellness books to know that, you know, you do get to a point where if you're not giving back and you're not leaving sort of some sort of a legacy, it just doesn't feel good and even with our business while we were in the midst of all the craziness that was still part of it, we were doing some of that stuff, but it really hit home when you know, we got that big chunk of money and it was like shit, like, what am I just gonna, okay, you know, I can either do what a lot of people do, which is fill that hole I'm now feeling with more money, and more power and more whatever, right, which I think some people who don't understand these cores and these universal principles of what makes people truly happy, will go out and do and say okay, well 10 million didn't work. Let's try 100 million, right but instead, like I said, I was fortunate enough to I think read enough and know enough about myself to know that now what I need to do is give back to and feel that joy of like giving and it sounds cheesy but I was fortunate to coincide all this with the birth of my first child, I now have two I got a third on the way three boys crazy household here and the Morville and you know just seeing these all guys starting to go from crawling to walking and it's like, oh shit if even if I'm just helping them and giving them these, like what I know, after all these years, I'm 46 of trial and error and huge mistakes and getting knocked on my ass and failing forward and you know all these things like if I can just give them some of these basics so that they don't make the same mistakes I did and not have them chase their tail, you know, for their whole lives and thinking, this is what will make me happy and no, it doesn't and I was like, that's what I want to do.

Josh: Yeah, well, and I love that. It's funny, because this is why I love your branding first off is that to me, I realized that happiness didn't come from money or whatever, it's the momentum, right? It's that momentum that keeps you excited, when momentum is happening in your life in any area, it gets you more excited to get out of bed in the morning, you know, like for me, I I started losing weight last year, because I got way too fat and so I started I lost like 35 pounds and if but it was Thank you, but it was over. It wasn't like when it was like quick losses, right? I took a lot of time for I've lost my first pound, but just seeing the pounds come off quickly, I got so much more excited about working out and same thing with business, you know, and it's that scoreboard almost for yourself but then I am curious about how you view where you cap it, right? Because with entrepreneurs, I've asked them this question of like, well, how much do you want to make and some people are like billions and like, okay, well, why do you want bodyguards do you want? Like, what's the lifestyle that comes with a billion dollars? Right?

Will: That's right. That's a great question, too and to me, the answer to that is? So it's a two part answer, let me start with the first part, which I took this course this year, I've been it's been on my list for literally like, five years and I finally it was like, I'm putting it, it was like a week long course, I'm putting everything as I'm doing this, it was the Yale happiness course, the science of well-being I don't know if you're familiar heard of it? 

Josh: I am not no. 

Will: started off, several years ago, a professor just introduced it, it quickly became the most popular course at Yale and then it got so big that they had to go into an auditorium for her to teach it and then very quickly, it was like, way too much interest and so she ended up it's on Coursera. It's free, is how she's teaching it now, and millions and millions of people taking it and one of the things that she got into is sort of this miss wanting as this default that we all have, because of the society that we're born into of wanting these things that we think are going to make us happy but they don't actually kind of like what I was just discussing and one of these, she just goes, what's cool about the courses, it's not just somebody talking and saying these things, like I'm saying them right now. It's like study after study after study, like proven science and one of these things happens to be, you know, this amount of money that you make, and it's like, what is the perfect amount of money so they went into some of these studies, and they did show and this was about five or six years ago. So at the time, it was like, the amount of money that will technically like when you start to when you make it and then you know, that's sort of like, okay, you've got your basic needs met, you got the car, you want to draw, you know, a car, good car, you got a house, you can take care of yourself and your family and your basic needs are met, you do money actually has proven to exponentially, you know, come into play there in terms of making you happier but then after that amount, and I think that amount at the time was around, I want to say 60, 60 $5,000 a year but then they said after that it incrementally, there's not an incremental jump, right. So like if you go from let's say that then than $200,000 a year, you might be a little happier and more content but then if it goes up to like a million a year, you would think like, oh, well, that'll quadruple but it doesn't, 

Josh: right. 

Will: and it's really interesting to see, you know, when you survey these types of people, and it makes sense when you think about it, because like you look around and you see all these hugely wealthy and successful people and what we think is the ultimate, like, if I could only be there my life would be, but none of them seem you know, happier than you were I feel like and if you look closely, you know, a lot of them are less happy and you hear about all these horror stories, the lottery ruined, ruined my life. You know, I mean, money does not equate to happiness and so for me, the answer is, you know, I know that type of house I want to live in, it's not a 50,000 square foot mansion, it's a 5500 square foot house, and it's in the area I want to live in which I live in, and it's near friends and the things that I want to do, I'm just outside of Chicago, I'm in a suburb called Evanston driving the car that I want, is it a Lamborghini? No, but you know, maybe 10 years ago, maybe it would have been but again, as you get older, you sort of start to value things in different ways, right? So now it's a car that I'm very happy with. It fits my two kids and the third one that'll be here in two weeks, you know, and it's not having to stress day to day and knowing I've got this nest egg on the side that's growing and continuing to Build on its own passively, like you were saying the law of compounding is a huge thing I like to talk about things don't happen overnight and if you try to make them happen overnight, you're gonna end up getting a bit but if you do it slowly, but surely, and just take those little baby steps, you know, whether it's your exercise, whether it's the money that you're saving and investing, it's gonna pay off in the long run so I know there's gonna be a good pot of money there for my family, if something were to happen to me today, there's money when I die, you know, hopefully, you know, it'll be in my 90s, whatever, hundreds at a time, maybe I'll be cryogenically frozen, they'll be there'll be plenty of money for my family and after that, it's kind of like, what do I need right? Like, they're gonna have plenty of money and I don't want to hand my kids, one of the lessons I've learned over the years is I don't want to hand my kids a big pot of money anyways, when they turn 18, I want them to go out and earn it on their own so you can only spend so much and I'm not buying helicopters and jets and flying to, you know, doing these things. So to me, that's my happy level. So the way I read at one time was what do you feel like you need like, figure out what it is you need to get your, those basic needs met and then sort of say, Okay, this is my goal, I want to get to that and then when you get there, just be careful, it's okay to then say, Okay, well, my next goal is here and you know, yeah, maybe we upgrade our house in three to five years, whatever but just be careful not to keep chasing, and to not just want more and more and more, because that doesn't exist, and that you'll never be happy, if that's how you're looking at it. 

Josh: Yeah, I agree completely and I love all the analogies. So I appreciate that, it's funny to me that it comes a lot with age, but I think it comes at at a certain point, when you have this moment where you're like, oh, I don't need any more money. You know, like, I think I could buy more of his like, a bigger boat, a bigger house, it ends up being, I don't know, it's not as much money as you think to and I love working through that with people because it's always that grass is always greener on the other side and then you talk to anybody who's made any amount of money, you know, over a million dollars, I would say, it's like, at a million dollars a year, you literally have no needs, like there's nothing that you can't have at that point, you know, unless you're one of those people who's ridiculous, who feels like you have to have a mega yacht or 150,000 square foot home or whatever, you know so whole thing on that. 

Will: Yeah, right and that's a good point and I liked it, you know, if that I don't like to discourage people and say, you know, you're wrong for wanting something like that. It's like, okay, well, if that's really what you want, you know, because to me, I feel like don't figure it out, eventually. And for somebody to tell them, like, that's not gonna make you happy. It's hard to convince people that so it's like, okay, all right, we'll set your life and your goals around that and start getting there and, you know, if they incorporate these other cores in their life, like, it'll come sooner than later and one of these other things that happened that studies in this yellow horse that was really interesting was, they did a another study where it was literally, they asked people, if you were what amount of money would make you happy and they were, I think at the time, I'm trying to remember the exact amounts, but it was some it was about 50,000 that people were making around $50,000, they all said almost like 90 Some percent, like 100,000 around 100 down like double right and then people that were making 100,000 were like 250, it was a little bit more than doubled, but they thought it would make them happy and then people who were making 250 jumped to like a million, right and it just goes to show it's all relative, right so you know, and you look at your own life and what you were making 10 years ago and what would have you thought would have made you happy I guarantee you know most people are probably making more than that now especially they're listening to your show you would hope but now know that now I'm not having now I have to make some that again just you want to be careful with that Chase because that's just that brain your brain playing tricks on you and thinking that the grass is like you said always greener and if only I could make that amount but that's when you go to that what I was saying before like alright, well what are my basic needs, what are the needs that I want met like what type of house do I want to live in, what kind of car do I want to drive and that's alright, if you want to drive a Range Rover I've had to Range Rovers in the back like that's okay I'm not saying go drive a fuel efficient $20,000 You know all the fuel efficient, yes, I am saying that

Josh: You’re a Tesla guy aren't you? 

Will: I'm not I wouldn't be but I haven't been able to get one so when I decided to switch cars this COVID thing happened and I actually did look at Tesla's but it was like a two year wait for the one I wanted so

Josh: yeah, they're they're crazy on the way it's that in the Rivians by the way check 

Will: I have a wait on Yeah, I have a wait for the Rivian and I have a wait for the new H 303 It's all electric as well but not the truck one but the other one so again, like that's a fun you know, that's not an insanely I mean, it's like a a $90,000 car I'm not you know being but that to me, it's like It's electric and it just looks really cool, why not? I have the money to do it, what else am I going to spend the money on, that's another people sometimes the opposite people make mistake people make as they start to earn this money and then they get really Scrooge McDuck about it and they're like, I can't spend it on this isn't like enjoy your money, like don't be in idiot and just go blow it on stuff but enjoy it because you can't take it with you.

Josh: Yeah. Pass it on to the next people and eat it too. Okay, well, so this does kind of spark the question of momentum in your own life, right and I am I want to turn the conversation to because pretty much every listen to the show has employees, how do you encourage them to take action and to play on the momentum that's built on the company, that makes sense? 

Will: built on the of their own company, you're saying?

Josh: So now within our company, so for example, right, like the company has momentum? How do you encourage the employees to continue that momentum and translate it to their own lives as well? 

Will: Oh, gotcha. So right, so I am building an app I've been I have my own system that I've been using for many, many years, it's helped me in my personal life, as well as my entrepreneurial business life, it all actually, when you actually step back, and you look at universal principles, and these things that have been around since the beginning of time, and that are going to be around until we ultimately destroy ourselves hopefully not, but you know, we're on that path, you look at these things that truly make us happy and if you follow like, if you disobey these sorts of laws, the law of compounding, like we were just talking about is one of them, there's tons of them, you're going to find something's not right, or something's not working, but if you do follow them, and if you start to build your habits around them, to me, habits are everything you are your habits, your habits, are you they don't care if they're good or bad, helping or hurting you, they're going to compound and they're going to do their thing over time so it's like, what are the habits that you have and so what I like to gamify them, it's something that sort of triggered for me several years ago, where, you know, I keep the spreadsheet, and I was kind of showing people and they were all like, you know, just, it doesn't look fun and I looked at all these, and it's not, but it's fun to me but I can see why it wasn't fun to other people so I'm like, hey, you know, in this day and age where like, your attention span is like a nat, you know, and it's getting less and less every day that goes by with all these zillions of things flying at us from every direction, social media, eight different streaming things, you know, it's like, okay, how do you get people to want to take these actions for to me, it's gamifying it, it's making it addictive by adding things like rewards and points and social connectivity so I'm building an app that does basically what I would want to use, and but taking feedback along the way from my team and other people that are kind of testing it out, that basically does exactly what I'm saying where it's like, okay, you start to have a little bit of success and then you get that dopamine reward hit and you see, oh, wow, so you're this rocket ship and you've got these five core areas of your life that are the cylinders of your engine and the ideas you break earth's gravitational pull, you have to slowly but surely using the law of compounding, replace your failure habits with success habits and then you know, your first step is the first stop is the space station, then you get to the moon and then the idea is you're continuing to grow and head out into the universe, and you get to, you know, different planets, and you're meeting aliens, and you're fighting through asteroid fields, and you're doing all these things and each day is essentially just a way to hold yourself accountable and have fun doing it, as well as you know, compete against others, have other people help you and you support them and whatnot, to sort of say, okay, look, we're all in this together, we're all human beings, we all just want to be happy, these are the things that have been determined to make us happy, let's base our habits around them but you can't try to do it all at once or you're screwed, you got to do it one by one and you got to do it very slowly in one quarter at a time, because, again, it'll become overwhelmed, and you won't do it, that's why I've set it up the way I have.

Josh: Yeah. See, I love that because I from my side, and I mentioned this earlier, but like even just working out is I love working out in high school, for example but 10 years later, I was sitting here going, I've tried about 45 times to get back to the gym and get consistent with it but it was always a week of push hard, it's the entrepreneur away, right, we go at it all in for a week and we give up and go to the next thing, I realized for myself, like I've got to just work on what's completely doable, right so I started with one a week, I was like, I'm gonna work out one time a week and then I got a guy in our office, we started doing that together and we'd go to the gym and we said, hey, let's just do three times a week, no matter what we set consequences for ourselves and it works. I mean, it worked really, really well because we're like, well, it's already Wednesday, we've done our three days, let's just go again, why not? You know, let's just keep it going.

Will: That's it, man. That's you just nailed it. So you did you're doing two things, right? That is now you know, it's starting to spread into an I guarantee you without even asking you, I bet you there's other areas of your life that start to kind of spill over or other habits and maybe different quarters are starting to improve because you're like, Oh, I look better, I feel better now I'm gonna do this right but yeah, accountability, having an accountability partner with holding yourself accountable is a lot harder, that's what I'm kind of attempting to do with this app but then in conjunction having an accountability partner, it's the simplest, easiest, best way to because it's like right you got a buddy and it's like, alright, we're doing this and you know, you start small, so that's another way I use the term reducing friction, I love that term, I don't know if James clear from atomic habits coined it or not but that's, that's where I think I first heard it but it's basically putting elements into your life to reduce the friction so that you want to do these certain things like an accountability partner. For instance, if you're snacking at midnight, and there's Cheetos at eye level, move the fucking Cheetos, either they're all more aware, if you can't bring yourself to do that yet, put them on a bottom shelf and put them mixed nuts or whatever it is that you do want to eat, right at eye level, right so it's kind of again, tricking your brain doing these little things and little small things, right and eventually those Nick's nuts at first, you'll be like, you don't quite do the same thing as Cheetos for me but once you get over that, like I said, habits don't care if they're good or bad, once you get over that sort of hump, where it's like, you've kind of faking it till you're making it and you're doing it enough times, then that goes on autopilot and then all of a sudden, like, you don't even think about the Cheetos. I mean, maybe once in a while but you know, in general, it's this is my snack, and this is what I do and I don't have any guilt after I do it, I feel great after I do it so it's like a twofer and you and then again, that sort of ripples and spreads into other areas of your life as well.

Josh: Yeah. Love that. So yeah, it's funny, because it's sort of conversation to me, you can talk about it all day too, like how do you finagle it to where you can structure your life in a way for the habits to be to start working for you, and I love it, because there's a lot of different ways to do it, I know for myself, I'm a very socially driven person and so I don't want to cause any pain on other people and so for me equipped with with me and my accountability partner, we said, hey, neither of us like running so like, we're not gonna newest, like, want to go out and run a mile at all so we said, hey, our consequence, if we don't make it to the gym three times a week, we're gonna go run a 5k and we held each other to it and it worked because it was neither of us wanted to do it because we said, if either of us missed one of those days, then both of us had to go run and so neither of us did it because we wanted to keep each other from having to do it and I've met people who will do like, Hey, if you know, say, Well, yeah, you miss your reading for the day, I have to shave my head, right? I'm never gonna miss because you're like, I am not going to make Josh shave his head, right and wouldn't be too bad, I'm basically bald already so doesn't really matter but but yeah, it to me, it just seems like it works so well to leverage that, you know, the 

Will: Oh, does it. I mean, it's just your little brain hack. You're just tricking your little dog brain, or your lizard brain is all you're doing, you're tricking it into into taking these actions for long enough until again, once they're on autopilot, they're on autopilot but getting there is very hard, very, very hard and it's these habits that we've developed, you know, they start our main influencers growing up, you know, first you're born naked, afraid, you've got your parents, then you've got your peers, you know, your little playmates, and you've got school and you've got, you know, now and then it's media, that it's major life experiences that you've had all these things shaped the habits that we have today and most people just other than the big ones were like, Yeah, I shouldn't smoke, and I know I should eat better, but there's like, your life is made up of hundreds of habits every single day that you're doing, and most people aren't aware of what these are and so part a step one of everything is just kind of becoming aware of, okay, what am I actually doing and here's where I am now, here's the end of my life, like, what's gonna happen if I continue on this path, like, how is how are these going to compound and what's you know, and versus if I start to change these habits into these, where am I going to end up and that's kind of one of my favorite ways to do it, I call it the back to the Future list, you kind of go to the end of your life, and you sort of say, where do I want to be in each of my five course, what are the main habits I want to develop like you're getting eulogized, basically, at your funeral, and somebody's going, I'll tell you, man, Josh, he was killing it in his five course, he wouldn't use that word, but they'd say physical, physical health law. I mean, the guy worked out up until the day he died three days a week, you know, he was all a, he looked 20 years younger than he really was, you know, and you just go through that and each of your cores and like, alright, if that's where I want to end up, what do I need to do to get there and what am I currently doing now that needs to be replaced?

Josh: Yeah. I think media habits are an easy place to start for most people to so I would highly encourage that, what media can you stop consuming, even one day a week, I know for myself, I turned off social media for a month and said, I'm gonna do it for a month and I haven't turned it back on. It's been months like other people manage my social media for me, it's been huge.

Will: That's a perfect example of you gotten out of the habit and it was like, oh, man, I haven't Well, I don't need to go back and maybe there's a poll here and there right where you're like, oh, you know, I want to hear it but you're like No, the feeling I have now is not worth going and looking at that and it's the same a buddy of mine, quit drinking last year, you know, people do this dry January a lot of people do that and he did it last year, you weary and he got to the end of the month, and he's like, alright, I'm done and he just never went back to drinking because he'd gotten out of the habit of it and he, you know, it was very hard for him and but he his family held him accountable and everybody kind of helped him and now he's, I mean, like, once in a while, he'd be like, yeah, you know, it would be cool to have, like, we want our paddle tournament together and he's like, it'd be kind of cool drink, he's like, it's not worth for me going back to what I was doing.

Josh: Right. Yeah and those are extreme examples but I mean, there's little things that you can cut out that are so valuable, and then adding in better things, I know, for myself, even just removing social media, I never thought I was binging that much but it was hours a day, at the end of the day, you know, from just checking on it here, there and I've started using that time to learn a different habit or a new, I learned the Rubik's cube so nerdy, so random, but I was like, hey, it's something I can do in the evening time and learning I can do another minute now. So it's like, it's those things, they're dumb little things but you're like,

Will: You're, you're swapping a failure habit. It's a perfect example, you swapped a failure habit for success added because in general, social media makes people feel worse about their lives and themselves. Unfortunately, teen suicides at an all-time high girls especially and there's a reason for that, you know, they look at these other people, and they've got the perfect air, you know, photoshopped pictures and life and people only show their best moments and like, why can't I be right and that, especially that age, when you're really vulnerable, it's tough and but we do that as adults as well and I mean, my wife, right? I mean, she's gotten way better but she was at a point one time where I remember she used to be like, why don't we ever go on vacation? You know, I just saw this picture of a, okay. First of all, you have no idea what their life is, like, you just saw one little picture, one little thing from their life that they did a vacation, like, you can't, if you start comparing yourself to that and being like, why can't I have that life, why are not, you're screwed, I said, let's look at the big picture. Honey, are we happy? Like, do we, you know, are we we have great kids, do we, you know and she's like, Yeah, you're right, you know, and so that helped her to kind of win off and she's still not completely off it. And to me, I hate to say it this way but it's kind of a necessary evil for what I do for my business because I do feel like there is positive stuff that comes out of it. You know, and so my YouTube channel, my Instagram, even though I don't personally, I will admit, I don't personally browse.

Josh: You're a producer, you're not a consumer. That's that. 

Will: But I want people to see my stuff and go, Yeah, you know, I feel better. And there's an actual act. So I'm actually in the process of completely revamping what I was, I used to kind of just show fun, cool moments and now I'm like, No, I want to give people actual little small action tips at the end, like a little example, and a little action tip at the end and how to what habits or replace, like a common failure habit people have and how to gamify it, you know what, what little friction reducer they can put on it to make it easier for them and then just have them have that takeaway, and then just kind of give these little nuggets so that they're more digestible, because again, like, you've got point five seconds to get somebody and, you know, it's still they'll see your thing but then it's, it's awesome and you're their life has changed forever until they scroll to the dancing monkey point five seconds later, who's like, oh, and you're like, oh, that's what so that's what life's all about so you got to give them some real small and easy and digestible and that's in any business, that's a business tip for any business that you're in.

Josh: Yeah, and I agree entirely. Well, everybody go checkout more momentum, there's a whole section on how to get ready for the app by the time you listen to this, it might already be out. But make sure you guys go over there and download the app, I've already put myself on the waitlist today. So we're going to have our team go on this on this journey. So I want to ask you well, just to kind of wrap this one up, putting yourself in the shoes of our listeners right there sitting out, I'm just gonna say a million dollars and they're trying to figure out how do I how do I push myself to the next level of life, not just money, how would you help them determine which area to focus on first.

Will: So there's actually a quiz on my website, it'll give you the gist, like if you go to my homepage, and it's mooremomentum, Moor like my last name, right at the very top, it says take the quiz, and it'll sort of give you an overview of the last few three questions for each core, it's not a deep dive, that's something that I have something to help people with as well but at least it'll give you the gist of like, alright, where do I stand in each of my cores, and then whichever one you scored lowest, then that's the one you're going to want to focus on and if you go to my web on that same website, there's actually a five cores page and it gives you a little description of each of the cores and what they are and why they're important and you might as well obviously help people to really get more into detail with each of these cores and what it is because it's all individualized like what my like what exercise for instance, like physical health is a core we all share however the exercise that you're doing, and what you're doing to express that in your own life is going to be different for you and I write I like to play basketball, I like to play tennis, I like mixed nuts so I gave that example, you may like a different healthier snack that's not mixed that you might have a nut reaction but it's on par with whatever it is replacing the cheetos with something healthier you may enjoy running like my wife does, she loves running right so but you figure out what those things are and you proactively find ways to you know, reduce the friction to incorporate them into your life.

Outro: Hopefully you enjoy this episode of The lucky Titan podcast. If you've learned anything from this or any other episode, make sure you rate it and share it with another entrepreneur could help. Thanks again and I'll catch you on the flip side