The Lucky Titan

Redefining Failure with Improv with Erin Diehl

Josh Tapp

Erin “Big” Diehl is a Business Improv Edutainer, Failfluencer, and Professional Zoombie. Through a series of unrelated dares, Erin created improve it!, a unique professional development company that pushes others to laugh, learn, play, and grow. 

She is the proud host of The improve it! Podcast, which helps develop leaders and teams through play, improv and experiential learning. 

Among her many accolades, Erin is most proud of successfully coercing over 28,000 professionals to chicken dance. 




Instagram: @ keepinitrealdiehl

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Intro: Welcome to the Lucky Titan podcast where you will learn how to fill your favorite platform with tons of your dream customers from some of the world's top entrepreneurs. I'm your host, Josh Tapp now let's get started. 

Josh: What's up everybody, Josh Tapp here again and welcome back to the lucky Titan and today we have a really fun guest, I'm very excited, if you're watching this on video, you can already tell she's fun by the colors, I love the design, it's beautiful but I'm really excited to have Erin with us here today so this is Erin, I don't even ask how to pronounce your last name, Erin that was one thing I never found in my research, is it Dale? Dale?

Erin: I've been called worse. No, it is deal but it's like deal. So I do have this easy way to remember I have a seven pound toy poodle, his first name is big, middle initials FN last Name deal so yes, just remember, like big deal, big deal.

Josh: Thank you for censoring. I appreciate that. 

Erin: You're welcome. You're welcome. 

Josh: That was one of my main questions in our pre interview. Oh, my Oh, shoot, I need to ask you that but I forgot so here you are Erin Diehl, I've ever learned so much about Erin, really excited to have her on it and you all know this, you know anybody's listening to this. We have a pretty serious vetting process to bring people on the show now because we get like 200 inquiries a week right now of, Hey, can I come on the show and I'd love to interview you all but I love the ones who are so different and what Erin does is she works with entrepreneurs, helping them leverage improv in just a really fun way and I'm going to like butcher your business. I'd love to have you kind of tell us a little bit about what you do. You know, I can a 32nd nutshell and then we'll dive into process.

Erin: Yes. Okay. So very quick, very simple. We help leaders and teams using Play laughter improv and experiential learning. That's it, and we train them on power skills so we were really big in the b2b space but we've worked with startups, small business, anything in between, and it is a absolute joy to be able to do the work that I do, and bring it to people who need it.

Josh: Love it. Love that. The part to me that got me so excited about this, because I knew I would enjoy this interview because I could laugh and have fun some people, it's just like, beating your head just so serious, right but the way that I look at business in general is like if you're not having fun, it's not even worth doing because it's it's really fun. My wife makes fun of me all the time, because I would rather be working than going on vacation or doing other things because it's so fun to me so I'm curious, you know, when we dive into this topic of actually leveraging improvin’, and humor and happiness and fun into business, how do you help people who are a little bit more, I'm gonna be crass here but they have a stick up their butt, right, somebody like that?

Erin: Oh, deal? Yep, the old stick up the butt. So yes, first and foremost, we have a saying in improv, and it is. If you're not having fun, you're the jerk okay, you could use any other word for that but again, kid friendly, abstained kid friendly here so you're welcome, you're welcome so really, what that means is, it's like, you go to a party, right and you have a choice, you can walk in the room, and you can decide, I'm going to have a great time and I'm going to laugh, gonna meet some new people or you can stand in the corner, and guacamole, right, and your chips and dip and if you see another group of people having fun, you're like, Oh, that looks exciting, I wish I could do that but you hold yourself back, improv is such a beautiful teaching tool, because it helps every first of all, it levels the playing field so you can have an intern, you can have a CEO in the same room and everyone is on the same playing field because no one has any idea what's about to happen, right so with that our goal and every goal in every workshop, anything we do is never to make somebody stand on stage bark like a dog, it's never to embarrass them, it is to leverage the group it is to create group mind, it is to allow everybody to lower these inhibitions that we bring, and these sort of hypothetical masks that we wear to work and take them off and just allow ourselves to play so when we when we have the old stick up the but one of the things we do is we set the tone first and foremost, we create the safe space in the beginning, everything we do is designed to go from a low risk activity to a high risk activity and I can always tell who the stick up the bat will be but by the end, it's like if they're choosing to not participate and you've got 20 people in a room 19 are having fun and this other person is choosing to sit out that's your own fault, right and they are looked at differently by their peers because of it so it is a it is a positive teaching tool that allows for people to really experience and connect with each other in such a different way.

Josh: Yeah, when putting themselves out there in a way that they can they can actually open themselves to connection you, you know, what's funny is in our company, you know, obviously doing a lot of copywriting with what we do, you know, for podcasts and whatnot, I have found for myself that if I want to make a serious point, and I want to be just on point, I will wake up in the morning, I don't talk to anybody, and I listen to like, epic music, soundtrack or something, right and I'll write while I'm listening to that music and it comes off as just bam, powerful but if I do that, before I hop on an interview, I have a sticker on my butt, right? Um, so just Okay, let's talk about let's be serious, you know so I have two guys in the office, they don't know this by half the reason I hired them is because they're funny, and it's good to talk to him so I will go, I will go into the office with everybody in there and I'll just start talking to them joking with them before I'll come in and copyright because it allows me to be more fun and friendly and it changes that whole energy and I'm curious, like, Erin the way that you do it, you do it in a workshop level, how would you help somebody who's doing this with their own team to elevate the whole team to that level?

Erin: Oh, my God, it there's so many ways, there's so many ways. So first and foremost, I always say this, your energy as a leader, it affects your entire team, right and I used to, I always have this story where I mean, I was the worst morning person before I would come into work, I used to live in Chicago, okay, I would get on the train, I'd have to stand in somebody else's armpit writing the L to work, which is a really fun experience, then I would get off, I've had to walk 10 minutes, I go into Starbucks, and I would get a coffee, I had a client of mine. This is before I started improv it. Okay. Actually, you know, this is when I wasn't improv it she was in our building and she saw me in the Starbucks coffee line and she said, Erin, I didn't say hi to you, I saw you Thursday morning, I didn't say hi to you, because you look so angry, I the energy I brought to my office in the mornings was awful, it was awful. So I had to learn to redirect that and I actually have a very specific morning routine that I live and die by because it is without that I cannot bring the energy that I want to my team because the energy that I bring to them affects the tone of everything that we do so really, I always tell leaders, it starts with you, it is your choice for the way you want to show up so I love that Josh, you hired these two people, because you're like, I want you to help me show up differently, right but we have so many tips and tricks up our sleeve that we use to help break down barriers, to allow people to feel safe to share ideas, to break, for lack of a better word, I hate the term icebreaker, but to break the ice and to really allow people to just show up as their true selves and it's through that true authenticity, that when you show up and you are actually a happy human being, you radiate and you magnetize and attract that same energy so the fact that you knew these two people were supposed to be in your life because you wanted more of that positivity, you attracted that Josh has in some way, shape or form and then that's, you know, you've created a culture because of that positive energy that you want to emulate and you want to give off so there's so many I could literally give so many examples, but I high level it's show up with your energy first, because you can't expect the same in return unless you're giving it out.

Josh: Right. Yeah, I absolutely agree. You know, it's funny is I love your story right of of how you show up because I learned that very early on having a team if I if I came in and I was having a bad day, the whole office had a bad day the sales team, the fulfillment team, the marketing, everybody was just right, right and luckily we have this couple energy energizer bunnies who come in and help raise the levels but even that they will well I have an energy dowsing I guess you could call it.. 

Erin: Yeah, 

Josh: for me showing up that way and being here I've made it my goal in life when I don't listen to podcasts on the way to work anymore, I listen to like fun, exciting music so that I can walk in and be like, yeah, we're here right, right and getting people excited that's actually helped a lot. And I think it's the same thing with podcasts and those of you who listen to the show I bet you can go back to the episodes and find the ones where I didn't do that because my energy is so low in some of the episodes it's embarrassing but you know what I will tell you all this we post it even if I suck so. 

Erin: that's right progress not perfection you know you're doing it you're fail fluencing that's what I call fail fluencing. 

Josh: yes it's funny because that's exactly where I want to take the conversation next because I love this so fail fluencing define that for us. 

Erin: Yes. So you know there's influencers I you know, there's, there's all of those things, all the things that come with influencing you can still do while fail fluencing. So this is sort of how this came to be, I started telling you about this before we hit record but prior 2020 improv it was a completely in person business, we had no, the only thing we had digital was our e-learning course that comes in conjunction with our workshops so you have to do an in person to get this eLearning course so business went completely upside down in March of 2020, we were had to very quickly pivot to become a virtual company to stay afloat through that, I decided to I had, you know, my LinkedIn was public, but all my other social channels were very private and so I decided, you know, what, there's like 1000s of hundreds of other people who are going through this business owners entrepreneurs, I'm going to show up authentically, as authentically as I possibly can so I made my account public, my Instagram, the first picture I posted was a picture of me just like literally, I have fake eyelashes, I had lost like 70 Fake eyelashes from crying, I looked like Kim Kardashian, ugly cry face, like when she lost her diamond earrings in the ocean, I mean, I was disgusting, okay and I said, I'm going to show up as real as I possibly can here and just I've not a clue what I'm doing but I'm going to fail my way through this. One of the biggest rules of improv is there are no mistakes, only gifts so it was through that through line that I really embraced this notion of failure, and brought that into my company, I allowed failure to be a part of the conversation, we every quarter had failure parties so instead of celebrating like our we wouldn't make a vision board, we would make a failure board and we would celebrate the things that we failed at that quarter because we wanted to show that we were trying, we were innovating, if I could name 10 different things that we came up with in 2020 that we would have never come up with, if we weren't forced to do to the pandemic. All of them were digital some of them are still here some of them very quickly went away because they sucked, you know, it was just, it just became liberating to say, I'm fail fluencing, I'm gonna fail through this and you're gonna watch me fail and fall on my face and that's okay, I created a mastermind. Not a single person showed up. Let me tell you that for free like I will that was and so it went away. Did anybody care? No. Did I care? No, I was relieved actually, because I wanted to put my energy and time somewhere else so it is the most liberating thing that I could have think, or I could have thought of at the time to describe what we were going through what I was a leader was going through and I still fail fluence every single day, every day do it, get it. 

Josh: do it. Okay, this is a totally like minutia question. You said there are no failures, only gifts with a T or GIFS.

Erin: Oh, I like where you're at. You can make gifts or GIFS So there's no mistakes, only gifts and what that means on stage as an improviser is when you're creating a scene, so an improv we make up everything on the spot, right so let's say you and I are on stage together, and we're doing a virtual show, and I spill my coffee on my keyboard and I'm like, Oh, crap, you know, and so instead of like, just allowing that to sit there, that becomes a part of our conversation so but all craps craps is my favorite game to play in Vegas, Josh, have you ever been to Vegas, I think we should plan a trip for all your listeners, you know and so it's like, it becomes a part of the conversation, it doesn't just sit there and people are like, what happened, what just why did she say crap? You know, it becomes a part of the scene and that's just one of the biggest takeaways I learned in my improv career was everything that happens is going to become a part of the scene of your life, it's up to you, you have two choices, you can control your attitude and your effort so bring those two things into the fold and allow it to be a part of it because it like you said you love stories, right, it becomes a part of your story. That story, when you get through it, there's no testimony without the test, right? So that test is what is going to continue to grow make you grow as a human being as a leader and entrepreneur, whatever it may be so really, it's those moments where we fail that we learn the most and I really leaned into this in the past two years, and it's been life changing. 

Josh: Yeah, I love that. Yes, it's funny because we coach a lot of people in podcasting and I'd have you come and like, teach that group so we'll we'll talk about that afterwards. 

Erin: Okay. 

Josh: There's kind of this this line with podcasting and we work with entrepreneurs is we feel like we need to be professional and professional just means impersonal. Like people don't like you when you're a quote unquote, professional and we've worked with so many different brands who try to be professional, they are the ones who fail the worst and it's interesting because in podcasting, I trying to practice what I preach with this but I had a guy come on my show totally mistook him for somebody else who has the exact same name as him, Rand Fishkin, that's his name, he's actually a pretty famous guy, I totally did my research on somebody else. So for him was like 30 seconds of me, saying how amazing he was, and he gets to the end, he's like, Well, none of those things are actually true about me, here's my actual bio, and he went on with it and then I could have wiped that out and pull it away but but we talked as a team, we're like, let's leave it and let's make it transparent because like, I failed so bad in front of a very famous guy. And, you know, quite embarrassing, but then we just kept the conversation going. And I was grateful for my team being willing to say, you know, let's keep it and it's become one of the most listened to episodes and I think it's because of that because people are, they look at it, and they go, okay, you totally just failed right there, if you can do it. So can I right?

Erin: That’s it!  yes. I love that and you know what, it's liberating after you allowed yourself to put that episode out, did you feel more liberated, did you personally feel? 

Josh: Very much so, yeah, that episode was a pivotal moment for me when I realized we really didn't edit a lot of them before but I might if I make a mistake, I don't have to start over. I don't have I just run with it. Right, I forgot your name at the beginning of this interview about your last name. Like that was the question I forgot.

Erin: It's okay. It's okay. You're fail fluencing and who cares and I don't care, I forgot about it. You just said it and here's the other thing. I truly so this is an anomaly as an improviser, but I'm a very type A person and there as I started my business was a lot of perfectionism that I had to let go up, and I know now I can say done is better than perfect but back then I was like, No, perfect has to be, right so now I tell I say I'm a recovering perfectionist, turned fail fluencer, there's moments where I will have, you know, the same things like so for example, yesterday, I was telling you this before we hit record, I was I had to get out some client emails and a copy and pasted a few templates and I forgot to change the name of a company and one of my clients called me out and she said, I will definitely talk with you this week but you called to be the wrong like you put the wrong company in this email, I'm pretty sure you were copying and pasting and she died. Like she knew I would hate it because she knows that I'm a recovering perfectionist. This is a very close contact of mine so she's like I said, Oh my god, I wrote her back, my cheeks are so pink and instead of making an excuse, I just ran with it and made, you know, some self-deprecating comments and she wrote me back and she goes, I knew you would die and she's like, lol. Oh, lol. Like she says she knows me. Right? So it was just so funny that even just that little comment could set me off so much but my old Erin would have relish and be like, Oh, Edie, you know, and just really sat there and sulking given myself, but now I'm just like, it's okay. It's okay. I'm fine. She's still going to talk with me, we're talking today. Like I sent that email yesterday, you know, and it's okay to make these mistakes because, first of all, Josh, also with you, you have an awesome podcast, you have grown this audience, you have a fantastic show. So you made a mistake, you're showing other people that you can be human and that's exactly what fail fluencing is. It's just humanizing work, and humanizing the way we show up in the world.

Josh: I really love this topic, because there's this huge fad right now of you need to be authentic. 

Erin: Hi, now. 

Josh: People are being quote unquote authentic by being so vulgar and so crass. I'm like, that is not your best self, you need to be your best self be the version of yourself where you're like, if you love your mom, and you love being around your mom, talk the way you talk to your mom and you joke with your mom, right? If you don't have a parental figure, it's how you talk with your friends who genuinely care about you and you're a good person because I've watched so many of these people and I'm not gonna throw out a big names because we all know who they are but I like them as business owners, but they think being authentic means cursing every two seconds nd quite honestly, it's just a huge put off to most people and it attracts the people who do that but they're not actually being authentic right because identic is being a good human in my opinion, best version of yourself, let's say like your brand, I think you'd do such a good job of that.

Erin: Oh, well, thank you and then I mean, improve it is really all about allowing people to be the best versions of themselves at work, I agree with you that word authenticity on I've said it three times. In my mind it there's like the buzzword it's like when boss Babe and boss blah blah all that stuff, girl boss was a big fad, it is the buzzword right now. However, I was preaching about this before it was a buzzword because what I love to see is when teams of people walk in 20 Different individuals and then they walk out one cohesive ensemble, one cohesive group, because we got them to break down the barrier of this, I am a person at work, I wear a business blazer and heal, and come in and some of the beaut most beautiful things, I would not wish the past two years on anyone but some of the most beautiful things I've witnessed as a result of the pandemic, is the fact that we got to see people's homes on because a lot of companies were, and still are now working from home over the past two years, we get to see their pets, we get to see what's behind them, we get to see their children, we get to see what their life is like when they don't have this amazing office with a view and you know, this beautiful power suit, it's actually quite refreshing and it humanizes work, which is what I want people to feel when they show up at work is like they feel valued, they feel seen, they feel heard and you can't do that by hiding behind a facade of professionalism, you just can't.

Josh: Yeah, get out, get off your throne and get down in with with other people, you know? Yes, like to me, I love in person interaction, I do love zooms. I'm one of those guys. I actually really enjoyed zoom calls because yeah, it's kind of an efficiency thing, I don't know if that's the case, but some other very efficient person, but it's an opportunity to meet to network to be around other people but I have found that the most lasting relationships in business are the ones where you went and played together. 

Erin: Yes

Josh: you laughs together because I have we have this little mastermind with, there's three of us, we're all just good friends in the space, nobody's paying each other anything, it's literally just hey, we're friends, we meet once a week and that has been because we've just played together. We've had fun. We've gone on trips, we've done other things and that's what to me forms is lasting bonds. And these other two guys are also very successful guys and so it allows all of us to lift each other at the same time and I think what you guys are doing is allowing the facilitation of that for people in a way that is going to kind of bring them out of their comfort zones to that seems to be because improv like, to me anything acting related, actually makes me really nervous. 

Erin: Yeah, 

Josh: I've gone through a couple of those things and felt like such an idiot and those things.

Erin: Oh my god, wait, can I tell you that I was so nervous, too, when I first started doing it, and literally was and I had what I still I always say this in a workshop. I'm like, if you have the ick factor, which is where your armpits are really sweaty, and you feel really gross inside of your skin that's okay. Well, it's okay. It's normal, right and I actually, so I grew up singing, not well, but singing, dancing, I danced my whole life, I was an actor with a script. I did a lot of sketch comedy. Before I became an improviser, improv terrified me because I was, again, I'm a type A person, I was so used to that control, rehearse, practice be the best, right? So it terrified me when I first started doing it, which was in my early 20s and shocker, getting out of my 30 soon, so but it's just it is truly an art form that the more you do it, and the more you expose yourself to it, the more addictive it becomes because once you allow yourself to let go of those inhibitions to really focus and listen in the moment, it is like therapy, it is so freeing, but it is nerve wracking to so many people because they're afraid of what's going to happen but I always say this, you and I right now, Josh, I got zero clue what you're going to throw at me, you don't even know what I'm going to say next, we're improvising. Every single day, every conversation is improve, it's just giving it a label that scares people and it is allowing ourselves to really go back to that form of play, like you said, you had a son who's like, what, nine months, nine months, 

Josh: seven months. 

Erin: seven months. Okay, I have a two and a half year old and it's like watching him on a daily basis, I'm like, wow, we're when do we lose this ability to just play and he'll make up songs and he laughs and just is so silly and we lose that along the way and it's like when you regain it, it's the most freeing thing, it's so freeing.

Josh: See, I saw this study that can remember who was who put it on but it was so interesting because it talked about from the generation that texting started right, generation was probably one of the first that really started texting with our Nokia phones. 

Erin: Yeah.  

Josh: with the t nine has I would have called t nine texting right. 

Erin: Took so much time, so much time.

Josh: Yeah, it's but what's interesting is that evolution of that they've shown that we've become so much less capable of having a conversation because it's given us too long to think about a response that is politically correct or fits the situation and I look at that and I can see that with podcasting when people come into our world, and they're like, okay, Josh, I want to be a better podcaster, I'm like, stop thinking, yeah, react. Right? 

Erin: That’s it! 

Josh: Yeah, I need to react to it. When you're talking to your family, you're not sitting here thinking, Okay, how do I respond to this in a way? That's going to be politically correct, right? Just say what's on your mind? If it's not politically correct, apologize, whatever, you, whatever, it's, yeah, to me, I think when it comes down to being authentic, it's learning to stop trying to think ahead in the conversation, and just saying, well, what are you doing? What? What is it you're doing? You know, tell me about yourself so I have our whole team right now, we've been encouraging every member of our team to start a podcast because that's what we do and it's been fun to work with them because there's this whole range of personalities, who are you have the Type A’s, like you and me, right, who are like, Yeah, let's do it and those are all the ones who are done are already in it failing and doing an amazing job, right and then you have the other personality types who are sitting here, analyzing it, and concern. Okay, what questions do I ask I am like, that's a dumb question. You don't ask that one, just go in and improv it. Right and that's easy for someone like you and I to say, because we can do it better but I am curious, this will be one of my last questions for you is, how would you recommend that to somebody who is concerned about talking with somebody successful and asking the right questions, get out that frame of mind.

Erin: I love that. Okay, so I got a really simple activity. Okay. So well, and I actually, so I prepare for my show, at the end of the podcast, I prepare but what I allow to happen is an activity actually, that is rooted in improve so I'm really listening to the end of every sentence that you're saying so I can't pre plan what my next thought is going to be, because I'm listening for your last sentence so then what I do is I and this is just for anybody, like have an outline, I would say, generally, if it makes you nervous, have an outline, have, you know, some questions in your back pocket but if you really want the conversation to go somewhere, listen to the last sentence that somebody who's on the receiving end says, use that last sentence to formulate your next thought so don't think ahead, listen so intently that you allow that person to finish their thought and then you can even start your sentence with their question so it can be like, Oh, well, how do I help somebody who may be nervous or, you know, doesn't want to come off as inauthentic in their conversations, well, I would just listen for the last sentence that they say and then would use that to start my sentence, because I'm actually taking the words that they've told me, I'm in taking them, which is actually allowing me to think that as if I am you, what does your audience need? What is Josh's audience, audience need right now oh, they need to know how to show up authentically and not be nervous or pre planned and then I'm able to give a response filtering through the lens of you, which is actually sort of empathy, if you will, because I'm putting myself in your shoes, thinking, okay, what is his audience need, what does he want them to know? And then I'm giving a response but I'm not sitting here thinking about what I'm gonna have for lunch. I'm not sitting here thinking, what is he going to ask me, how am I going to close the show? I'm so present in the moment and then it's when we say that you are fumbling for words on stage as an improviser, or you're sort of out of sync in the conversation, we call that being in your head and this is same as podcasting, it's the same as you know, having business conversations, when you are not fully focused on the other person, you are in your head, which takes you out of the conversation, which makes the person on the other end, feel less important. If you can make the person across from you feel like they have a sign around their neck that says make me feel important, they are going to remember that feeling and they are going to remember that moment and that conversation forever because people don't remember what you say, it's really about how you make them feel.

Josh: Yeah. Wow. See, and I, for me, as a podcast host, I've interviewed like 1500 people at this point and so most answers, don't surprise me at this point, you know, and you get to a point where you just know what to ask, because, well, what's the next question that would make logical sense this conversation, but I have found that I will go off because people are talking, I've done it with you four or five times this conversation where you'll say something, and it triggers a thought process in my mind, and I do get distracted and I would say don't beat yourself up over those things, either because at the end of the day, I feel like that's your spirit, whatever you want to call it, like processing information and accepting or denying it and then if you have a moment where you aren't able to respond effectively, or you forgot what they were saying or something, it's okay to say well, you just set my brain off on a total tangent so and then ask the next question as something another genuine curiosity, it can be a total 180 degree pivot, it's okay, right? 

Erin: Yes. No and you can take notes like you can take I always when I'm interviewing I have a little I always tell people to it's on my phone and not on my phone so I'm like, I'm not texting, I'm just writing down things people say so I especially if they, like you said, they trigger a thought I'll write down that thought, or I'll write down something really awesome that they said that I can come back to later but it is it is really. Um, so I'm not taking myself out of that conversation, I'm just so loving myself, to have that moment and to come back to it later and I don't beat myself up for it if I do go off track, because I do too, everybody knows is like such a human thing. 

Josh: right and it's okay to do that, especially on the on the show, 

Erin: Yes, that's it. 

Josh: Well, I love that and so I do want to just put this out to everybody, make sure you if you're feeling like this is something that you struggle with. First off, listen, this episode again, listen to over and over and over, I think Erin gave so many really valuable tips for those of you who are saying, I'm the guy with a stick up my butt, I'm the girl who has really struggles speaking up in a conversation, right, that's what needs to happen for you as you need to come in either listen to it again, take notes, apply these things, your life, and then go check out it's and this is where Erin runs these workshops that are fantastic, she's kind of been mentioning it here or there but I probably should have delved deeper into that but we were having a conversation so these events are to help you to learn how to be better at these sorts of conversations so I would hope that all of you would go check that out. Go join one of her workshops, there are virtual ones too and if you are like me, and you're getting addicted to going to the live workshops, events, whatever, go join a live one and then Erin, I want to ask you just before we sign off, can you give our audience just one final parting piece of guidance?

Erin: Yes. And thank you so much. Here's my my ask and this is literally what we say at the end of everything that we do, whether it's a laugh, break, a virtual workshop or an in person workshop. If this episode caused you to feel some laughter, some levity, some positivity in any way, shape, or form, just share some laughter, levity and positivity with somebody else today, the world needs more of it so pass it on, we give to you, you give it to others and that is literally it could be an act of kindness, it could be as simple as opening the door for somebody telling somebody you think they look great today, just pay it forward and share more love, give more love.

Outro: I hope you enjoyed this episode of The lucky Titan podcast. If you've learned anything from this or any other episode, make sure you rate it and share it with another entrepreneur could help. Thanks again and I'll catch you on the flip side