The Lucky Titan

Maintaining Your Mental Edge: Strategies For Overcoming Brain Fog with Michael K. Turner, M.D.

July 26, 2022

Michael K. Turner, M.D., is a graduate of Stanford University, Harvard Medical School and The Mayo Clinic. He is also the CEO of his own national, concierge practice. He develops personalized and integrated approaches (including hormones, sleep, recovery, nutrition, supplements and exercise) to help people perform at the highest level. He brings a passion for excellence to everything he does.

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Intro: Welcome to the Lucky Titan podcast where you will learn how to fill your favorite platform with tons of your dream customers from some of the world's top entrepreneurs. I'm your host, Josh Tapp, now let's get started. 

Josh: All right, what is up everybody, Josh Tapp here again and welcome back to the lucky Tita and today we're here with Dr. Michael Turner and I have to really explain you guys how Dr. Turner and I came to know each other because he's heard of me, I've heard of him, we ended up knowing similar people, we ended up working with him, we've been working on his brand and his podcast but ultimately, what this guy has done is produced some of the best content that we've seen. I mean, he's very, very educated when it comes to helping people along the lines of their health and the reason I wanted to bring him on here was to talk to you guys about leveraging your health and working on your health to become successful in other areas of your life so I'm excited to have you here, Dr. Turner, do you mind day, saying hello to everybody that will hop in?

Dr. Michael: Thank you, Josh. Glad to be here. Glad to talk with your audience today and really looking forward to it, I used to be a school teacher so I enjoy education, I enjoy inspiration and it's going to be fun.

Josh: We'll see and that that just lends the first question right there. I mean, school teacher, the doctor explained that one,

Dr. Michael: yeah, right. 

Josh: You became a medical doctor, not just, you know, like a doctor of English or something. Right?

Dr. Michael: Yeah, correct. Yeah. So Well, I had finished it. I was finishing up at Stanford, I was a pre med, I had taken all the tests had all the letters of recommendation, etc but I was also feeling a little bit burned out speaking up, right. So we can talk about that at some point. So I was like, gosh, I gotta take some time off before I go to med school. Like I'm not ready to continue this grind, you know, tests and labs and problem sets and homework and staying up late and all this right. So I'm thinking, I'm gonna take some time off and need to get my head right and live life a little bit, what do I want to do? Well, I had always enjoyed tutoring and I had a buddy who was actually a classroom teacher at the time. So I moved down to where he was, became roommates, he got me an interview in the school district and while I was a fifth grade classroom teacher, fresh out of college for for, ultimately with a couple other teaching jobs.

Josh: Wow. Where were you teaching at, was it in in near Stanford, or where were you at?

Dr. Michael: So good question. This was in Fresno, California. So my buddy was in Fresno, and I was a fifth grade classroom teacher. And then the following year, I moved back to the Bay Area, and I taught seventh and eighth grade at a middle school sighs

Josh: Wow. Yes. Science doesn't surprise me. It's funny as I feel like there's like math brains and science brains. I understand math and science intrigues me to death, but I have a horrible retention rate with it so I got to work on that. That's something I want to work on, I love to see people who can retain and apply science effectively. So you're still in Fresno, aren't you?

Dr. Michael: No. So now I'm in Washington State. Yes. Okay. I'm based out of Washington State southeast Washington, Tri Cities.

Josh: Yeah, running away from California is always a good idea. Right? I'm just getting there are running to Idaho here. So we joke about that, big question for you, though, is, you've recently you know, obviously, you've become a successful doctor and you're saying, I want to start going online, what, what about the online space intrigued you and why did you say to start transitioning to teaching, training, coaching and stuff online?

Dr. Michael: Great question. First of all, the ability to reach more people, effectively, right? So traditionally, it's one person venturing to my office to spend one defined period of time with me, right? And what if I could reach obviously 100 1000 10,000 people at once via zoom call a mass webinar, a wellness eve Online events, something like that, or harkening back to my days as a teacher to create curriculum? What if I could create a curriculum? Right? What if I recorded myself and pulled together a multimedia presentation about how to have a healthy brain or most potent anti-aging concepts or boosting your testosterone naturally or do you really have a thyroid problem, right, like whatever it is, if I could distill some of the best teaching that I enjoy engaging with my clients about into some sort of curriculum, and they can access that 24/7 from wherever it would be fantastic, right? enable me to reach more people and then as well just personally gave me some more time, energy, freedom, right and so I could be with my kids or my grandkids or I could work from a nice little Airbnb and Puget Sound some week and still run my practice and, and do health and wellness.

Josh: You have grandkids?

Dr. Michael:  you know, I do so I have a one year old bracket. Yeah.

Josh: Holy cow. I tell you like in your 20s, this is proof guys.

Dr. Michael: That's good. Yeah, I'm 47. I was born in 75. So I have a younger daughter who has now a young son so so here I am as a grandpa. It's a psychologically a little bit of a transition for me to be perfectly honest, but I'm enjoying it as well. I love kids.

Josh: Yeah, that's, that's amazing. Totally personal question, but I was just curious. So, you know, and this is this is where it's kind of fun. That kind of dovetails really well, our audience will love that, right, is that, you know, you really help people with learning how to age better and obviously, you're doing well yourself because you totally had me fooled. So I'm curious. You talk about the five different dimensions of health and leveraging those two to slow down your aging become more healthy and everything I want to ask you before we dive into those five, what's the feasibility of this, right because most, most people who come in and pitch fitness to the entrepreneur, right, or somebody who's considers themselves more busy, they a lot of times they don't take into account the busy lifestyle or how difficult some of these things can be for people so I'm just kind of curious from a feasibility perspective, how feasible is it to use these five dimensions? 

Dr. Michael: Great point, Josh. They're all feasible. They're all feasible. They're each kind of like a layer like onion, right? So you can go, my job is to give you something actionable today, by the end of the conversation that's feasible for every single person on all five dimensions, but beyond that, you can go into depth on all five of them as well, right? Another way I look at it's like martial arts, you got, you know, first degree belt and you got all the way 10th degree black belt, right? It's like, how far do you want to go in depth on it? I personally, I'm hung up about health and wellness. I love it. I mean, if I if I ask the question, What is your most important asset? Right? What's your most valuable asset? I think with a little bit of introspection and cogitation, we realize it's our health, that's actually our most valuable asset, right? Because otherwise, no, your assets can't be suitably maintained or enjoyed what's what's it worth, if you have this business, that you're too sick to get out of bed and run every day, because your energy is not there, either you're exhausted, or you're in the hospital back and forth, or you're getting, you know, chemotherapy, because you got early cancer, because you stress yourself out for decades, or, you know, your diabetes got out of control and so then you had kidney problems. So then you're on dialysis three days a week, right? It's like, how can you suitably enjoy or maintain any other asset or personal relationship, frankly, if you don't have the health to do so? So it's, it's your greatest asset so I get hung up on this question of how, what would it feel like to be as healthy as I could possibly be, that's the question, what would it feel like to be as healthy as I could possibly be? How good would that feel? What do I need to do to get there? And from the point of view of your audience, you know, what would that return on investment be? Right? What would their ROI be for you if you actually got as healthy as you possibly could? Right now, you don't have to be your 25 year old self, you don't have to be the same as the person next to you in the gym, that's not the point but just you yourself where you're at, if we could touch every part of your body and get you dialed in, what would the ROI be? How good would that feel? That's a compelling question for me but I like to make things simple and actionable for everybody as well. So we always give an entry point, you know.

Josh: yeah, well, I feel like it almost becomes an addiction to and you start to realize, oh, I can have more energy from doing this thing and then you add the next thing in and for most of you who listen to this show, you know, you have your own show you you're trying to produce content, it's virtually impossible to produce content without being at your peak because it comes across horrible if you don't have that that energy level. So I do want you to dive into the five steps though. Dr. Turner if you're willing to do that, because five dimensions, right, five different areas or layers, like you said, of an onion to building that energy in yourself, and living longer?

Dr. Michael: Happy to Yeah, where do you want to start off looking? What's looking most engaging to you Josh? 

Josh: I mean, obviously, step number one, right, but you had you had them over here. I wanted to, I'm going to pull it up here on my phone. Should you text them to me like all this? This is awesome. Let's start with sleep. It's actually number three because most most entrepreneurs like oh, I sleep four hours a night, I think that's impossible but anyways, carry on.

Dr. Michael: Yeah, so the more we study sleep, the more important we are finding that it is essentially, I'll give you a couple examples. Let's talk about your immune system. So one of your most important immune system cells is called the natural killer NK natural killer cells. And this thing is important not only for viruses, bacteria, but also for cancer. A lot of people don't realize that a healthy immune system is also an anti cancer immune system. Another way of saying that is that your body is constantly producing cancer cells every day, but they're also successfully ideally being identified and then destroyed by your immune system. So your natural killer cells a linchpin of that, especially in its anti cancer role. Now, here's what's interesting, they've done studies, if they they take perfectly healthy and perfectly well rested people, okay, no sleep debt. And if I take this perfectly healthy and perfectly well rested person and just for one night, I deprive them of sleep and they only get four hours of sleep. Okay, then I take them back to the lab, draw their blood, isolate the natural killer cell, put it in a petri dish, bombarded with different kinds of viruses and bacteria and different sorts of challenges and see how active this thing is. The natural killer cell activity has dropped off after just one night of four hours of sleep. Okay, 

Josh: wow. 

Dr. Michael: Further punch line. Let's ask the question, how much does it drop off? Let's quantify that and the answer is 30%. So one of the most important immune cells in your body is down 30% in its function after one night of more hours are restricted. So that's striking. So what would that do after a week, or a month or a lifestyle of crummy sleep? And the answer is your immune systems are slowly getting run into the ground, you're probably running on a 30% immune system or something like that after a period of time. This is also the reason why as soon as you become sleep deprived very quickly along with that becomes you get sick, right, you're going to notice that you're snit you know, you got a sore throat, and you're coughing, and all this stuff is because your immune systems are not where it needs to be so that's one dimension of sleep. Another one would be simply it's your cognitive acuity, your mental energy and such like that. So they've done studies in Long Haul truckers, and they've shown that if you're up for 18 hours in a row, you become cognitively and neuromuscular really impaired in your performance as a trucker to the equivalent of having a blood alcohol of 0.05. Okay, yes, yes. So after 18 hours straight, you're driving on the road, you are functioning at a diminished capacity equivalent to blood alcohol levels. 0.05. or another aspect of sleep we could talk about would be your brain health and its involvement as far as dementia and Alzheimer's, right. So there's a huge connection between the quality of your sleep and the onset of Alzheimer's. This has been studied at UC Berkeley over the last 10 15 years. And essentially, at night, especially during the deepest stages of sleep, there's a cleansing process, you can think of it like a self-cleaning cycle, like a dishwasher, or something that's going on in your brain, through the cerebral spinal fluids circulates and flushes out some of these toxic metabolic products that build up and in the case of Alzheimer's is something called the amyloid protein. Well, if you get choppy sleep, there becomes increased levels and increased deposition of amyloid protein over time so what they did in Berkeley, which is fascinating is they basically predicted people's Alzheimer's onset, right? They took people and said, Oh, you're 60, you don't have it right now but based on how crummy your sleep is, ma'am, you're likely you're gonna likely develop Alzheimer's within the next 5 10 years, something like that.

Josh: Wow, what and so I've heard a lot of different studies on this, but what what do you consider to be an optimal sleep pattern? I mean, is it different for everybody? Or is there like a set? Because I know they talk about that? What are those cycles? It's like your sleep pattern at night? I think it's like every two hours. I've heard I've heard it all and I'm just kind of curious what your, what your take is on it. Like, is it a certain hour amount?

Dr. Michael: Yeah, you're on the right track. So I would say there's a couple ways to look at it. First of all, you want your sleep to be front loaded. In other words earlier than midnight being better, right? So six hours of sleep, let's say between 10am and 4am. Okay, or 10pm rather than 4am is not the same as six hours of sleep, let's say 1am to 7am. 

Josh: right 

Dr. Michael: You’re with me, it's front loaded in terms of physiologic benefit. Another way to think about that is if we didn't have modern technology and lighting all this, you know, when would you go to bed? Right? And you know, recently I was actually hiking through a National Park in South America. Okay, as remote as it gets no cell phone service, nothing like that. It was really interesting. What was my daily pattern, we'd eat dinner around 6:30 by 715. Dinner was done. It was pitch black. It was like stars rubbish, like, lights out, I'll go okay, I guess I'm going to bed. I was going to bed at like 7:45 Eight, right? And then you snap up when the sun comes up about five 5:30 Something like that, right? You know, physiologically, your, your front loaded in terms of your natural bio rhythms to get best sleep. So that's one thing shift your sleep earlier and then you know, you need to be aiming for a solid eight hours, honestly, just to give it a number. Right teenagers need more 9 10 adults maybe slightly less. But the simple litmus test for yourself is Do you ever find yourself being tired? Do you find yourself needing to take a nap? Right? You shouldn't. Right? So if every afternoon you're looking to take a nap or an energy drink or coffee, you're not getting enough sleep and you need more than you are currently getting so

Josh: yeah. When I feel like I could interview about that, that concept for the entire time because I'm curious. I'm uh, I'm totally a morning person. So going to sleep at nine o'clock for me is not a problem. Like I'm an old man when it comes to sleeping but Tyler who you know, right? His his wife and he they will stay up to one or two every night. And that's when they go to bed and they wake up at eight to nine or whatever it is. It ends up being eight hours but to me um, aren't you still tired enough to get to me I just feel groggy waking up that late in the day, but I'd love to hear more about that you have a whole show on this. So go check out a show guys. We'll post it in the description because he talks he goes into depth on this but I want to move on to the second dimension. The second one I want to cover is actually eating and diet and I want to throw a term out there because you've like hooked my whole office on this gingko biloba what is it? Why is it how is it used in the in the diet?

Dr. Michael: Gingko goes extraordinary. It's a tree and comes out of China if I believe mainland Asia been around for 1000s of years using traditional Chinese medicine, a lot of health benefits. What I love about it is indirectly improves blood flow to your brain. Okay, you can take some Ginko and we can measure blood flow to your brain within our subsequent and there's increased blood flow to the brain that's pretty extraordinary. Another way of saying that is there's a very famous brain researcher named Dr. Daniel Amen. You may have heard of him, he gives talks, he's written books. He's been all over the internet. He's been a presence now for probably 15 20 years in the field. And he has the largest private database of brain scans, he does metabolic scans of the brain to see which areas are active or inactive. If you've worked a lot with, let's say, concussion in the NFL and former players that type of thing, right? Well, here's what's interesting. I was at a national meeting, national anti aging conference in Las Vegas, Danny Amen is on stage presenting all his data, his graphs and pictures and all this stuff and he kind of made an offhand comment, but it was so crucial. I wrote it down on got it right. He says, here's the deal. He says, all my best brains take gingko that was his quote, all of my best brains take Gingka susiana. I was like, Well, that's good enough for me if it's good enough for this guy and all his best brains and like, I'm on it, where's my gingko? 

Josh: Like, I take a pill I'm in his club on and

Dr. Michael: I was all over that the next day. It's got some other benefits, too. It's got some good antioxidant benefits and such. So it's inexpensive, readily available in high quality form online. So

Josh: yeah, well, so definitely get on that. I'm curious. We can't we can't actually say that on here but definitely consult your doctor. On that one. I gotta be careful. I'm gonna get in trouble people like you told me to take this and now you're in trouble. Anyways, moral of the story is though, is like that's, that's something you can consume, easily. I have found working with anybody trying to lose weight because I tried to lose weight for a long time, and then finally kicked in a couple of things and it changed at all for me was that it for me, it was simply instead of trying to pull things out of my diet, it was putting healthy things into my diet. It didn't didn't feel like I was taking away from myself so I'm kind of curious, like, how you're helping people to take that step and start eating healthier before they need it. Right? Because I'm 28 Still don't quote unquote, need it now for my everyday activities, but I will need it in the future. Right? And obviously, yeah.

Dr. Michael: Good point. I like your idea, Josh there about you can't have a deprivation model working, right. So when I talk to people, they're like, I need to eat better. I'm like, Okay, let's talk about what we are going to do and then also let's talk about moderation and let it can't just be a list of a whole bunch of stuff you have to avoid because then of course your mind is feeling deprived and your mind is focusing on what you can't have and it's just you know, the psychology of all that part so much moderation is a key concept. So yeah, we're trying to cut back sugar we're trying to cut back saturated fat we're trying to cut back animal products in general it's well known purely from a cardiovascular viewpoint from an anti aging viewpoint that a plant based diet is the best maybe occasional dairy here and there lean meat here and there, but predominantly plant based is going to be the best so but this is moderation and also understanding that their food has a function other than just purely nutritional and your body right there are social dynamic elements of food, there's taste, there's joy of living. I'm a big foodie. Frankly, I'm the biggest foodie around like, I mean, take me to a buffet and you know, a sharp cooter reboard or a tapas bar and I'm just like a kidney candy store, like sampling everything, you know, yeah, I have some sangria and a little bit of trim relay and like, whatever, you know, bring it on. I just love flavors. It's part of being alive for me. So anyway, you know, you gotta have a little moderation and you know, just I don't have seconds I don't have huge desserts, things like that. But to get someone started, I will have them pick one one goal that they want to work on and people people know where they need to start to work. That's what's interesting, right? It has to be individualized and so there's no one size fits all I don't come to someone say the first thing you need to do is stop eating so much McDonald's because some people don't have a problem with that or you know, you just cut out sugar. Some people don't have a problem with that. Some people are stress eating right, some people are eating late at night. Who knows. So we get individualized, I tell them pick one thing baby steps, we make some moderation and we kind of work from there but as far as bringing things in, yeah, we want to ultimately be bringing in more plants. We want to bring in more clean water. You know, you want to be bringing in more fiber, fruits, vegetables for people who don't like salads. I'm a big fan of making smoothies. Right? Personally, it's just a lot easier for me. I don't always have time to sit there and make a salad right?

Josh: They get old pretty quick

Dr. Michael: right? Yeah, it gets all right, but I can pull out a blender and throw some baby spinach and a bunch of other stuff in there and it can feel good, thanks. 

Josh: That's one of our employee here in the office. She can't even stomach lettuce. She hates lettuce, which is funny to me because I can eat lettuce all day but but smoothies are just such a great option for you. If you're like I can't I can't eat something. It's usually a text check stir thing and you can overpower that with apple juice or something right that's that's my belief on it but so cool. So cool. Well, let's move on to the next one right exercise obviously being a huge one.

Dr. Michael: I gave a talk recently on most potent anti aging strategies actually a guest on someone's podcast and as I went through that talk, the single most potent anti aging strategy is consistent exercise. Okay, above any thing else that can be done. So it's fascinating how exercise renews the body. I mean, we all know it's good for you, we know we should be getting some more, etc. But the more you learn about the more compelling it becomes, you know, everything from brain health to heart, lung health, obviously, you know, strength of your musculoskeletal system, immune system, you know, testosterone levels, and men, all of this stuff, inflammation levels, all of this deep sleep. So if you exercise in a given day, you will sleep better at night, that's well known. There's all these connections where it's just multifaceted renewing process. But in particular, when I start to talk to someone about exercise or movement pattern, my four first rule is that it needs to feel fun. That's actually the most important role needs to be fun. Because again, if it's not, you're going to be operating deprivation mode, and you'll be off the bandwagon shortly. Right. So I have to talk about, I have to get to know I have to tell them, and one of the first questions I asked if they haven't been active in a while, I'll ask, When was the last time you were physically active? And what were you doing? And did you like it? And they'll say something like, yeah, you know, I used to lap swim and I had this one job, there was this gym nearby used to swim every lunch break. I just felt good. It was so great. And I'll say, Well, what happened? Well, we changed cities changed jobs. I got too busy. That's not like, okay, so then in my mind, I'm thinking, Alright, we gotta go back and recapture that Mojo, right? Like, we know this person likes to swim water is their thing. Like, how can we engage with that again, so it's got to feel fun for some people that Zumba. For some people, it's taking a walk in the neighborhood, their dog for some people, something aggressive, like CrossFit, or you know, Brazilian Jujitsu, like whatever it is, it just needs to feel fun and my job is engaged with what sounds fun for them. And then overcome their current barriers to doing what is fun from a movement viewpoint, right? Because there's, they used to do it, but now they're not for some reason and so we got to troubleshoot these barriers, which gets into behavior change and psychology of that.

Josh: Yeah. Well, to me, like we've we found, I have a guy in the office that we work out together. But we've both found that instead of constantly trying to just hit the gym, we'll go play volleyball, we'll play basketball we'll do that with with other people in our neighborhood and it actually works well because, like you said, it's fun. It's a social element. I really enjoy playing, playing sports with blank. It's a blast. So yeah, I love that methodology and again, we could go into like five episodes on each of these. 

Dr. Michael: If I just mentioned something real quick to you. I think, Josh, another key takeaway is to try to do something every day, right? So try to keep a little consistency with it. So it almost needs to become a habit to help like, you know, you took a shower, you put on clothes, and you brush your teeth today, I'm pretty sure right? You didn't get too busy to do that. Well, it's got to get to that level where I'm not too busy to do my bit of movement today. That's, that's fun, unnecessary for my body. And in that case, sometimes we have to help people avoid an all or nothing type of mentality, right? So some people feel like, Oh, it doesn't count as a workout unless I go to the gym for 45 minutes and get super sweaty or something right. And they're like, since I don't have time to do that right now I do nothing, right. And that's that little gap right there is what we want to work on. So you're doing something at least every day, even if it's 10 minutes of stretching, even if it's five minutes of jumping jacks, like whatever it is, which interestingly enough, they've shown that if you are crank up the intensity, you can get a lot done in a short amount of time, right? This goes under the name of things like high intensity interval training and Tabata method and all of that but what's fascinating is this guy Tabata zzout of Japan, he was actually a researcher with the Japanese Olympic team who's working with their cyclists and his question was, how, what's the minimum effective duration of exercise that I can have these guys do and still perform at a high level, right? Instead of having them on the spin bike, you know, at x number of watts per 20 minutes, can I can I get equivalent out of 10 minutes, five minutes, etc, just by going up in intensity. And what was profound is he found that he had guys ultimately only doing four minutes of work. Okay, that's it, four minutes of work. And they were getting the same bent out of high intensity, they were getting the same benefit as guys doing like 20 30 40 minutes at a lower intensity. So I tell people, you can get in shape and four minutes a day. If you're willing, you can absolutely do that there's ways

Josh: that's amazing. Do you have any recommendations of where to go to find workouts like that?

Dr. Michael: Yes, absolutely. So YouTube will will be good for that. If you look up Tabata, workouts, you will find some and so each eat as he traditionally defined it in the study he did, it was 20 seconds of intense exercise, followed by 10 seconds of rest, and then repeat. And that whole cycle was repeated for four minutes total and there are some really good things on YouTube. So it's gonna involve you doing something like jumping jacks or burpees for 20 seconds, 10 seconds of rest, you know, jumping lunges, you know, 10 seconds of rest, aggressive, fast push ups, 10 seconds of rest, that type of thing. But it can be done without a jam without equipment there are some really good trainers out there who have great assistance.

Josh: Yeah, I'm just kind of curious because that's, yeah, I love to find little hacks like that, because that's something that you could literally do in your office on your quote unquote, lunch break. If you take those on entrepreneurs. We never take lunch breaks, but, you know, take five minutes out of your day, every day to schedule I love that. You because it doesn't matter how, you know, heavy skinny, out of shape in shape you are, that's something everybody can do is five minutes and it doesn't require getting dressed even for that.

Dr. Michael: Just to emphasize that real quick, just so you might find this, you know, curious, maybe fascinating. A couple years ago, I had my goal, personally fitness viewpoint was to run a six minute mile, okay, something I had never done in my life. I was not a cross country runner in high school, college, nothing like that, okay, and I'm kind of a bigger guy, I'm like, six, one and a half 210 pounds and at the time I did this, I was 38 years old. So for me to run a six minute miles I was really gonna have to get after, right but I'm like, same thing. I'm busy, you know. And I realized quickly, I was like, I don't have time to try to find some neighborhood school that's like three miles away, to like, get changed to like, run around this track and get warmed up and then you know, jump over the fence back to my car to drive home and like, how am I going to train for this? You know what I did? I never went to a track the entire time I train for my six minute miles zero. The first time I show up on the track was tested. But what did I do? I did two bada actually in my walk in closet. If I was at home, I had a walk in closet had enough room. That's typically where I do it. And what I did is I would sprint in place. Sprinting in place like high knees, just pumping arm sprinting, okay. 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest. When I started to feel easy, I grabbed hand weights, I was sprinting in place with 10 pound hand weights. When that got easy. I started to hold my breath. So that was the final level. By the time I was sprinting in place like a madman with 10 pound hammer. It's holding my breath the whole time. That cracked me up when I ran that Miles like boom, blew through it. I got it in under six minutes and then I did it the next year just to prove myself that it wasn't a fluke. And I lowered my time all the way to five minutes, 38 seconds.

Josh: geez,  wow, that's amazing. Yeah, I love that. You've got me sold because I hate running. So I'll, I'll I'll make it fun for myself, right? My wife loves running. So I think it's something I should do for her. Yeah, that's brilliant. So because these are the type of things that as entrepreneurs, we tend to, I would say even more so than most people, we're so excited about one area of life that we don't focus enough on adding in little little habits like this because I know for myself, if I tried to do a five minute workout, I'm in it. I'm like, I'm already here. And so I'll end up doing a 30 minute workout because I'm like I'm here, but didn't even have to do that. Which is amazing. It's so so time conscious. If you tell me about five minutes, you need to rethink your life. Okay, let's move on to number four. Like, we're probably over time here, but you've got me intrigued. So we're gonna stay at through all five. So number four? Is mental health. Yeah,

Dr. Michael: yeah, mental health, stress management, this kind of thing. I'm a huge dimension of health, right? Let's think about what's your selftalk, right? There's this idea of like, positive self talk what's going on in your mind? Right? You know, do you see the glass half empty, half full, all that bit, right, obviously, to be a successful entrepreneur. I mean, it's the definition of overcoming obstacles and needing to persevere, right. I am an entrepreneur myself, I run my own business. I don't work for anyone. I've Dr. Turner, MD, right. So I get it. You got staff, you've got lawyers, you've got the government. I mean, people are coming at you left, right and center. And so how do we retain a resilient mindset deal with that stress, leave work at work, you know, be present for our spouse and loved ones at home, like all of that bit huge element of health, avoiding burnout, and all of that, right? This gets into all of that. Ultimately, if I had to give you one takeaway, it would be affirmations. That's the takeaway. It's literally writing some things out. I have three by five cards posted all over my bathroom mirror, I probably had six of them up there right now. And I'll usually just rethink these once a week. And it gets my mind to then focus on where do I want to go as an individual my personal growth and development what what healthy script do I want running in my mind, that's really going to serve me in the coming days and weeks? And so I'll just rotate those and memorize them and have them up there for reflection. 

Josh: Love that. Yeah, it's funny. Have you ever seen that video? It's this little girl with curly hair. And she's like, in the mirror. She's like, I love my hair. I love my face. I love Have you ever seen that one? 

Dr. Michael: No, no, I haven’t  

Josh: look it up. It's like it's absolutely famous. But they did a whole study on this. Because she started this phenomenon is crazy, is that everyone was like, I wish I could be as competent as this girl and ended up becoming this is like 5 10 years ago, but everybody started doing that themselves. And they started doing actual scientific studies on just doing that and kind of like laughing at yourself while you do it. And I want to actually like y'all to find the study and then quote it because I am not a doctor, but it like drastically increased increased all of their health levels, which is crazy. Yeah. And like from a success perspective, it helped dramatically from from all angles, so definitely go watch that video. It's hilarious. Just say curly, curly girl hairs. I love my hair. That's probably that's probably what it is,

Dr. Michael: I’m intrigue, I’m intrigue. 

Josh: I will Google it after this interview and send it to you. But anyway, so I love I love your input on that. Rethinking five affirmations a day. A people think that it's harder than that to to control your mental health. But I feel like in today's world, we spend so much time packing in negativity, that it's hard to sometimes realize that all you have to do is add a little bit of light in there and just watch what happens if you increase it get better. I'm a huge advocate of like, if you are having any sort of anxiety, completely eliminate social media from your life, and completely stop watching the news. You can argue with me all you want on this, I think those two things would just watch how much happier of a person you'd be after a month. It's crazy. Anyways, I'm not the doctor here. So let's go on to number five. Just kind of wrapping this up, right? This is your social health.

Dr. Michael: Yeah, I call this social connectedness, right? I don't think you could qualify as a truly healthy human being if you're not healthy in your social relationships, right? And I think this is an area of a lot of need for people. Moreover, just within our society over the last year or two with COVID lockdowns, isolation, you know, ect. people become isolated and, you know, it's kind of like this stat where they go, they do these studies are like the average American adult male has got like two friends or something. Right? Really, if you look this up, I remember reading it's like, Oh, my God, isn't that bad? Oh, my God,

Josh: That’s really sad, actually.

Dr. Michael: Right. But yeah, it's like 2.3 friends or something when they do the math. That's it, man. So yeah, it really it's so the social connection, because take it kind of just spiritual level, I think about what's what's our ultimate purpose as people right and what's, what's our ultimate, you know, function and I think I would encapsulate best I understand as to give and receive love. That's the, that's the punchline, right? Like, what's the purpose of life is to give and receive love. That's your goal as a human being towards God and towards other people to give and receive love? Well, love, that's a relational word right there that requires somebody else, right, you're going to find out that you're most of the field when you are both giving and receiving love, but you need other human beings in your life to do that, and produces shockwaves and benefit of mental health, and even into physical health and such. So that social piece, you know, we're all it's always easy to be too busy with our business, to connect meaningful with our spouse, or to keep up with that friend from college or high school, right, or to take our kids on a special father, daughter date, or mom son date or something like that. Like, it's always easy to be too busy for that, like it is to be too busy to exercise but you got to get to a point where you say, this is non negotiable, it's so important for me, right? You don't want to be that old person that your kids don't want to talk to you. They don't want to come by because you were so busy building the business and chasing it or like whatever, right? But they don't have much relationship with you. Right? Like, how happy are you going to be at that point, you gonna live in a big house with a gigantic bank account and a bunch of gold and cryptocurrency and like God knows what, you gotta sit there and be like, but my kids don't love me and my spouse and I look at each other like strangers, right? Like, how happy are you going to be and how healthy are you going to be? You know, that model? So my takeaway on that, and I'm preaching to myself, first of all, believe me, and but my takeaway on that is to try to be intentional about investing in let's say, just one or two key relationships each week, you know, make it a goal, right? Like you got a business meeting this week with your VP of something, your sales team, you're this and that, do you have a personal meno meeting this week with your spouse to take her on a date or whatever it is, you know, one to two key relationships, you'd be investing in each week, keep them up, I literally write a list for myself, I have sort of this list of like, who are my friends, right? Like who are the people that I actually need to be intentional about that I need to reach out and text this person or call them or try to arrange something, rather than just sitting passively back and hoping that I have relationships that are meaningful? Yep.

Josh: Yeah. I love that. Man. Yeah, I think that's great. It's that's kind of sad to me to watch. And it's been interesting around, you know, where I live, we found that every woman we talked to, we all talk about our spouses, and every single one of them feel like they when I'm talking to the males, that all the women feel like they don't have a single close relationship friend outside of their family. And I'd be curious to see this this this stat on that too. I think it's part of it is be that friend for other people too. Don't be the one to just be the leech and say I can be the friend to multiple people. My wife is an amazing friend of people. She does such a great job of putting way more into the relationship than they do. It's interesting because very few women ever give her that back. And I'm like if you're if you're even just reciprocate somebody's you know, intentions, it's it's just game changing. But love it. I feel like you could like create a whole platform around this with like the rule of fives, right like you're gonna five things you have to eat here, the five minute exercise and everything anyways, total total tangent there. So Dr. Turner, you we've covered a lot of really awesome tips here and I feel like everybody has they're going to leave with at least one good takeaway from this, I appreciate you sharing that. So where can people connect with you to kick this off?

Dr. Michael: would be the place to go. I've also been Last two podcasts working with you guys and your team, which has been fantastic. So there's a link off my web page to podcast. And that'd be the place you know, we'd love to begin to have a relationship of trying to reach out and share all my best knowledge, inspiration towards health and wellness with you and your your clients, Josh.

Josh: Love it. 

Dr. Michael: So that's MichaelTurner. It's MichaelTurner

Josh: So make sure you guys go check that out, jump over to the link and then just to kind of wrap this up, Dr. Turner, could you give our audience just one final parting piece of guidance?

Dr. Michael: The parting piece of guidance I would say would be to fall in love with that question what would it feel like to be as healthy as I can possibly be and then to start to take some concrete action towards that right again, I'll you starting your business and developing your business right at some point there is this passion this embryonic idea like what would it feel like or what would it look like to start XYZ business right and then and then you got to just take that first baby step right? It's kind of like a journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step that's what I'm talking about. I want you inspired on a journey of 1000 miles and then just make it concrete with just one or two steps and eventually you'll get there right and as you know to build a successful business, you're glad that you don't know all the obstacles and setbacks and difficulty ahead of time because you might have gotten dissuaded right but you just full of passion you're just like let's go for it let's just file the business license whoo I'm incorporated here we go baby. You know, it's like we're off that's kind of where we're at now it's like you know, it's a long journeys gonna be setbacks, blah, blah, but you know, get in touch with your, with your passion and your drive of what would it feel like you'd be as healthy as I can be, what kind of benefit that would have for me and here's one thing I'm going to start to do, you know, I'm going to pick one of these five dimensions. I'm gonna do one thing this week, and then it's just rolling after that you start to get some momentum and it feeds back on itself it's a positive feedback loop right to feel healthy is to have more energy is to have more motivation more enthusiasm, is to do further things to feel healthy and it starts to snowball.

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