Get your goat: So you want to move to the country and raise goats - A podcast about change

Season 3 - Episode 18: Darla Deguire - Change starts by thinking about how you show up in the world

Peggie Koenig, Catherine Gryba, Darla Deguire Season 3 Episode 18

#Quotes about change: "Clean up the stuff you've kept stuffed down. Then,  do the soul work."

Darla Deguire is the founder and owner of Cedar & Sage Boutique Retreats – a far distance from her first job as a Clerk for SGI in auto insurance claims.

Working for SGI, Darla began her journey through the labour movement where she was President of the Union Local and eventually worked 17 years for the Canadian Labour Congress. She had a senior position and  was well-respected with lots of responsibility.  But, she started to see that she didn’t like how she was showing up in the world – as Darla puts it – she was misaligned with herself and her purpose.

So she listened to her inner voice and did a 360 review of herself. She looked in the mirror, read books, and built a new community.  She realized that she had to get rid of the labels she gave herself because lasting change starts from within.