Get your goat: So you want to move to the country and raise goats - A podcast about change

Season 3 / Episode 4: Renea Egeland - It's never too late for change

Peggie Koenig, Catherine Gryba, Renea Egeland Season 3 Episode 4

Quotes about change: "No place can make you happy unless you are happy inside."

Renea Egeland has been a caregiver for her entire life.  In fact, she took her training as a nurse, and just recently retired after a career in nursing of over 30 years. 

Her grandmother and sister both received end of life care from Renea.  She was a caregiver for her family and always thought of herself as giving to others.

Her retirement focused a light on Renea’s lack of self-care, and it took  healing and professional guidance to help Renea see she needed to make some life-changing decisions that would affect her and her entire family.

Renea takes us through her inspiring, and sometimes painful, journey of personal life changes and how she transitioned from being a nurse to a shepherdess and finding happiness inside.