Get your goat: So you want to move to the country and raise goats - A podcast about change

Season 3 / Episode 11: Stephanie Staples - Are you the person you want to be?

Peggie Koenig, Catherine Gryba, Stephanie Staples Season 3 Episode 11

Quotes about change: "I stopped trying to change others and worked on changing me."

Stephanie Staples was working as an RN – she had a nice family, a nice husband, a nice house, a nice job.  And then she had an “incident”, a fairly significant one, that made her stop and ask herself, “Is this the person I want to be?”

Stephanie knew something was missing in her life and felt guilty about wanting more when she had so much.  But she wanted a better life, so fell into personal development and everything changed for her when she stopped looking to change other people and focused on changing herself. 

A big step was deciding the people with whom she wanted to surround herself.  She wanted people in her life who fed her, and she did a tally on how people made her feel when she was in their company.  She also takes a pulse on her pain, and now doesn’t wait for it to become a 9 before she does something about it. Stephanie has changed and evolved and is now a Psychosocial Wellness Coach, speaker, and author.