Breakaway - Investing & Finance

CA failures, Disney and cancel culture, Zillow and Bitcoin

Sean Hathaway

Covid hypocrisy and craziness continues; it's hard to imagine life before Covid. UC Berkeley has locked its students in the dorm rooms: no out door exercise allowed!  

CA is becoming a failed state. Gov. Newsom is taking a lot of the blame and will very likely see his name on a recall ballot this summer. 

Disney stock to all time highs. And they fired Gina Carano, female star of Mandalorian for anti-semitic comments that were not anti-semitic...but clearly inflammatory, as she got fired for them.  Cancel culture is a slippery slope and one I don't think we should ski on. 

Zillow and Redfin disrupting the housing industry and basically kicking ass.  

Bitcoin. Tesla bought $1.5 billion of Bitcoin. I did too, but not that much. Its a risky play!