Breakaway - Investing & Finance

Doge, I-banking, Tax Hike, Higher Ed, NFLX/HBO earnings

Sean Hathaway

Warning: I went back and listened to this, and I think it sucked. Probably being hard on myself, but instead of pulling it down, I'll leave it up, but with this warning. I'm committed to improving!  

Crypto is completely out of control. Doge leading the charge, but down 60% this week. 

Tesla car crashed and killed 2 people. BTW, I laughed during this segment which I think is inappropriate as people lost their lives; I'm laughing at the stupid media coverage. I feel for the family of these individuals. 

SpaceX launch.  With humans on re-used rocket for 1st time ever. That's good news btw. 

Inside look into the hours of investment banking and the torturous lives they live. Don't feel sorry, they make boat loads of money and have chosen that lifestyle. 

Biden tax hikes.  Cap Gains going up!! 

The future of higher education. Some stocks that are interesting. 

Netflix and HBO parent AT&T both released earnings this week. One good, one bad!