Breakaway - Investing & Finance

No Masks, Inflation, Pipelines, CA, SNL, Markets

Sean Hathaway

Finally, CDC moves in the direction of common sense and says if you're vaccinated you don't need to wear a mask in most instances. People are losing their s**t on this one. 

Government is spending money like drunken sailors and inflation is here; interest rates will have to rise. That effects you, me and stocks. 

Pipeline warfare. This is war and we need to battle. We also need to be more prepared. 

CA is a failed state...ok not quite yet, but we're under authoritarian rule, pay the highest taxes in the nation and 2/3's of kids are still not back to school in person.  High crime and homeless population. It'd sad. 

Elon Musk on SNL. And Crypto. 

High flying new tech stocks took a beating (a deserved beating).  Overall though, US stock market still up 10%.